An uncomfortable silence stretches out between us as I hold his deadly glare.

He might well have turned me into the soldier he wanted me to be, to ensure I wasn’t scared of anyone. Sadly, that includes him.

“I’m not doing this,” I say eventually when he makes it very clear that he’s not going to start.

“It wasn’t a suggestion, Theodore. It’s a job. A job you’re going to take seriously.”

“But why? You’re going to need to give me more.”

He shakes his head, clearly unimpressed with my lack of obedience.

I almost laugh to myself. I’ve been more than lenient with it. Most normal people would have flipped their fucking lid when they looked down at that contract like I did a couple of weeks ago. Most people would have refused there and then.

What he’s asking of me… what he’s done without my permission or even knowledge is way beyond the realms of fucking acceptable.

“She giving you the run around already, soldier?”

“She’s a pain in the fucking arse. So how about you tell me exactly what I’m looking for and give me half a fucking clue as to what I’m up against here.”

His eyes hold mine for another ten seconds before he pulls his phone from inside his jacket pocket and taps on the screen before an unfamiliar voice fills the air.

“It was Emmie,” the woman pleads, clearly in pain. “P-please stop. Please don’t hurt me. I-I’m sorry.”

My blood runs cold at the fear in the woman’s voice.

“Is that—”

Dad nods once, confirming my suspicions.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter, dragging my hair back from my brow.

“There’s a lot you don’t know, but I shouldn’t need to tell you that Emmie’s sudden appearance at Knight’s Ridge wasn’t a coincidence.”

“Just tell me that she’s not my fucking sister,” I demand, thinking of Toby and Stella, and how if it weren’t for Galen then they’d probably have fucked like rabbits to get back at Seb and not been any the wiser of the fact that they’re fucking siblings.

“She’s not. I can assure you, I have no secret family hiding in the shadows, nor have I ever cheated on your mother.”

“Well, I guess that’s something,” I mutter under my breath.

Although, if we were related it might help cull my unhealthy obsession. Or just make it even more unhealthy.

I shake my head at my own thoughts.

“I want to know everything she knows, everything she’s done. I don’t trust her,” he glares death at his phone as if it’s the woman he’s talking about, “an inch. It’s taken weeks to get here. She could have sold out Emmie from the beginning but she didn’t, so I’m inclined to think she’s telling the truth.”


“I won’t be made a fool of by a seventeen-year-old brat, Theodore. I suggest you get me the intel I need sooner rather than later.”

Scrubbing my hand down my face, I try to figure out his game plan, but as ever, my head just spins with the few facts he’s trusted me with.

“Why does all of this require a… contract,” I finally say, unwilling to call it anything else for fear of making it too real.

“Separate issues. The contract was a peace offering. Revenge is personal.”

“Right,” I sigh.

“Do whatever it takes. Live out all your dirty little fantasies—or hers. Just get me the answers.”