Something tells me it’s the latter. Although he never seemed that bothered by everyone always loitering in his coach house.

“I’m going to spend the weekend with him. Hang out at his penthouse. Clothing, not necessary, if you know what I mean.”

I manage to catch my groan of irritation before it erupts.

Yes, Sloane. The entire fucking school knows what you mean.

“Man, I’m jealous as fuck.” I think that’s Lylah, but to be fair, it could be either of them.

“It’s their fault, you know. Since they started here, they barely look at us.”

It doesn’t take a genius to work out who they are.

“I don’t even get what they see in them. Neither of them is even that pretty. And fighting… ugh. That’s never attractive for a girl.”

Flushing the toilet, I drown out their words as I right my uniform and pull my mask into place. I walk out with my shoulders back and my head held high.

“Oh, whoops,” Teagan shrieks in faux horror. “We forgot you were in there.”

“Sure you did,” I state, holding her eyes as I make my way to the basins.

Turning the tap on, I focus on what I’m doing while the three of them watch me with judgemental eyes.

“Did you want the answer to your question?”

When no one responds, I continue. I had no intention of leaving without pointing this out anyway.

“The reason they are different is because they don’t just immediately fall on their backs and open their legs in a pathetic attempt to trap a guy who is way, way too good for them.”

Teagan scoffs. “Not what I heard. Stella fucked Seb before she even knew who he was. She—”

Holding my dripping wet hand up, I cut her off mid-flow.

“Entirely different situation. Stella isn’t a cheap whore who only wants Seb as arm candy. She is one of them. She belongs with them. And, more than that, she proved her place.

“Just like you three proved yours. They made use of you when you were fresh and fun. Now… now they want something a little more… challenging. And I’m sorry to tell you, your overused, easy cunts aren’t it.”

Grabbing a paper towel, I dry my hands, ball it up and throw it into the bin, and all the while they stare at me with gaping mouths.

“It was fun talking to you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”

I almost think they’re going to let me escape without getting the final word, but I’m hardly surprised when Sloane pipes up before I walk through the door.

“I’m still the one who’s going to be in Theo’s bed tonight.”

“Good for you. Enjoy it while you can.”

I let the door swing closed behind me and make my way down the hallway with a smug smile pulling at my lips. It’s either that or force myself to acknowledge the jealousy that’s knotting my stomach at the thought of Sloane getting that close to Theo tonight.

“What’s got you so happy?” an amused, familiar voice says from behind me.

“Oh, just making enemies in the bathroom.”

Calli turns around just in time to see the trio exit the toilets.

“Ah, but I can’t lie, I’m disappointed. None of them are bleeding.”

“Yet,” I add, much to her amusement.

“True. You’ve got all night to break one of their noses.”

“Don’t tempt me,” I mutter, falling into step beside her as we make our way through the building, ready for our afternoon class.

“I’ll meet you at Stella’s later,” Calli says before we part ways, her toward history and me toward my favourite lesson of the week. Art. The one place I can escape those vapid bitches and just be me.

I nod in agreement and make my way down to my class, more than ready to put my AirPods in and drown out the world while I sketch.