“Hiding down there,” I say, pointing down the hall.

“You’ve banished him?” Calli asks Stella.

“Banished? No. I just don’t think he was up for girl time.”

“Why isn’t he with the guys?”

“No idea. Said he had some shit to do.”

Callie shrugs, unconcerned about what Seb’s actually doing, and begins stuffing her face.

* * *

“I’m sorry, the party is where?” I ask, pinning Calli with a death stare.

She’s sitting at the dressing table while Stella curls her hair.

“Um…” She hesitates nervously. “I thought I told you.”

“No. No, you didn’t. I would remember if you’d told me it was at fucking Sloane’s house. Jesus, Cal.” I reach for the bottle sitting on the bedside table and swallow a couple of shots.

In a huff, I fall back onto Stella and Seb’s bed.

“Okay, so I didn’t because I knew you wouldn’t come, and I wanted you to. We wanted you to.”

Stella also looks over at me, a hopeful smile playing on her lips.

“We’re just gonna go and get wasted. Show them assholes how to really party.”


“We don’t even need to see them. Or the person she’ll most probably be hanging off.”

Of course all the guys are going.

Calli turns around completely when I don’t respond.

“Please, Em. This is our Christmas with you.”

“Speaking of…” Stella says excitedly, racing toward one of the many wardrobe doors that line one wall of her ginormous bedroom. “Gifts,” she exclaims, pulling two identical boxes out. Only one is wrapped in pink and gold paper and the other is black and gold.

I’m hardly surprised when she hands the black one to me and the pink to Calli.

“You really thought this out, huh?” I ask, rubbing the black bow on the top between my fingers.

“Yep,” she agrees happily, clearly proud of whatever is inside the boxes.

I swallow nervously. “I… um… haven’t—”

“Stop,” Stella says, holding her hand up. “I don’t give to receive.”

“That’s not what Seb says,” Calli squeals excitedly, her eyes sparkling with happiness and vodka.

I can’t help but snort a laugh, the shots we did together not so long ago more than having an effect.

“We need to find you a boy tonight, Miss Cirillo.”

She grimaces at my comment. “I’m not giving my V-card to anyone who’ll be at tonight’s party.”