The lift is still waiting on this floor, so only a second after I hit the button, the doors open.

Sadly, though, they don’t get a chance to close, locking me inside the small space alone because Seb’s hand darts out to stop them.

He shakes his head, smiling at me as he steps inside, Emmie, Stella and Calli following closely behind.

The second they’re inside, the door closes, locking me in with Emmie standing right in front of me.

She’s added her leather jacket to complete her outfit, but it does little to dampen my desire.

I shove my hands in my pockets as nothing more than a way to stop myself from reaching for her. Although, all I manage to achieve is to make the bulge of my hard-on that much more obvious.

“You’re so fucked,” Seb mouths to me over Stella’s shoulder.

I shake my head in denial, but there’s no way he believes me.

There are only a couple of people who know me. The real me. And Seb is one of them.

We’ve been brothers for as long as I can remember. He sees through my mask, my pretence. He knows that while others might see the brutal, ruthless monster my father has created, underneath, I’m still the same Theo I was before my training.

Dragging his amused eyes from me, he focuses on his girl while mine inevitably find Emmie.

Even from behind, I can tell how fast her chest is heaving. And apparently, I’m not the only one. Calli frowns at her before saying, “You okay, Em?”

“Y-yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Calli studies her for a little longer before deciding to let it go.

“No reason.”

It seems like an eternity while I’m surrounded by her scent, her curves in touching distance as she quite clearly freaks out about something, but eventually, the car comes to a stop and the doors open.

Seb, Stella and Calli immediately move forward, but right as Emmie takes a step, my hand darts out to grab her arm.

“Wait,” I demand, pulling her back into my body.

Her scent gets stronger, and I swallow harshly as I fight to remember why I stopped her in the first place.

Leaning down, she shudders when my breath rushes over her skin.

I can’t help but smile.

“Em, what are you—”

Stella’s concerned face appears before us and I reach out, jamming my finger into the close door button, effectively shutting her out.

“What are you doing?” Emmie asks, although her voice lacks its usual biting tone.

“You’re scared. Why?” I ask, my lips brushing against the shell of her ear.

A tiny whimper rips from her and feeds some twisted need deep inside me at having her at my mercy.

Her body stiffens.

“I’m not scared of you,” she spits, having found her sass once more.

“But you’re scared of something,” I point out.

“Bullshit. I’m not scared of any—”