Sloane holds Ben’s eyes for a beat before she turns her glare on me.

“Sorry, cous, I don’t give the good shit to skanks.”

I scoff. “That’s rich. Give me the cheap shit. Anything that will make me forget I’m currently anywhere near you,” I seethe.

She pauses for a second before nodding in agreement.

“I’ve got just the thing.”

Removing herself from Theo, she makes her way to the counter to pour our drinks.

“Ignore her. She’s never played well with others.”

“Why am I not surprised.”

I turn into Ben’s body, achingly aware of Theo’s attention, but I pointedly ignore him.

“You sure you should have more?” Ben asks, once again brushing my cheek with his knuckle and tucking my hair back.

He might have said he didn’t want to be on the end of Theo’s wrath, but he doesn’t seem to be all that bothered about flaunting me in front of him right now.

“Trust me, I could drink you under the table. I’ve had years of practice.”

“Fair enough. I admire a woman who knows her limits.”

I’m still holding his eyes when Sloane appears once more.

“I’m not sure what your last slave died of, Bennett, but this is the last drink I’m making you and your skank tonight.”

Taking the cup from her, I raise it in salute, seriously tempted to throw it in her face but more than aware that it would be a waste.

“I hope the night brings you everything you’ve been dreaming of,” I say insincerely before downing the drink in one.

A threatening growl rumbles up her throat when I pass my empty glass back to her and thank her.

With a flounce, she spins away from me, flicking her long hair over her shoulder and bouncing up to Theo, who barely reacts to her. He’s too busy glaring death at me.

“We should go dance again,” I suggest, running my palms up Ben’s chest and looping my hands around his neck. I can barely reach him, he’s so freaking tall, but the burning stare that’s heating my skin spurs me on.

I’m playing with fire, I know I am. But I can’t stop.

I crave the fucking burn like a junkie.

“Sure, can’t argue with that.”

His hand finds mine behind his neck, and he twists our fingers together and pulls me from the kitchen.

The vodka hits me upside the head long before we’ve even left the room, and I sway behind him, my head spinning and my stomach churning as if I just downed it on an empty belly.

But the second Ben pulls me to a stop on the edge of the dancefloor, I push it all aside in favour of mindlessly moving with him and forgetting all the bullshit.

It works for a while, but one violent turn of my stomach and I know my night is about to come to a swift end.