Emmie: Have you always been this much of a dick?

He starts typing a response, but I’m not done.

Emmie: I’m going now, got things to be doing…

I add two winking faces on either side of an aubergine emoji and hit send.

His Lordship: Your cunt is mine, Hellcat. No one touches it but me.

“Pfft,” I scoff.

Emmie: Then maybe you should have treated it with a little more respect earlier. You’re getting nowhere near me again. You ruined your one and only chance.

His Lordship: I know where you live.

Emmie: Ooooh, I’m so scared.

My eye-roll emoji doesn’t really emphasise just how hard I rolled my eyes at his threat.

His Lordship: I’ll take that as my invitation. Do. Not. Touch.

“Fucking dickhead,” I mutter to myself before making a decision I already know I’m going to regret. But fuck it. I refuse to let him think he’s won.

Pushing my knickers and sleep shorts over my hips, I rummage around in my bedside table for my biggest vibrator and get to work, snapping a couple of photos at different angles.

For some reason I don’t really want to acknowledge, I never turn my little friend on, and I don’t get myself off despite the fact that I’m still desperate for it.

I already know my vibrator is going to pale in comparison to what I was on the brink of getting earlier, so I don’t lower myself to a subpar orgasm just out of defiance.

Goddamn you, Theo Cirillo.

I flick through the images I took, select the best one, and send it to Theo before putting my phone on aeroplane mode, righting my clothing and snuggling down into bed, more than ready to pass out and sleep off the lingering effects from the night before.