“I know, Dad. You’ve told me about a million times. I’m not going to screw this up for you.”

“I know. I’m just…”

“Impatient?” I ask with a knowing look when he glances at Piper with this soft, completely head-over-heels in love look on his face. It’s nice to see, if not totally fucking bizarre.

All my life my father has been this larger-than-life, terrifying, inked, rough-around-the-edges kind of guy. The second I learned about his MC past and who that side of my family really were, it made total sense.

He had the bike and the dangerous look down pat. I can only imagine how brutal he’d have been if he stayed in that life.

But he gave it up… for me.

I let out a sigh as he reaches out and tucks a lock of Piper’s hair behind her ear.

He screwed my mum when he was depressed over the fact that he thought Piper was dead—and at the hand of my pops, no less.

I wasn’t even meant to exist. And Mum certainly wasn’t in any place to be a mother. She never even grew into the role.

I’m amazed she didn’t abandon me sooner. I can only assume it was the child benefit and the money from Dad that kept her in the hellhole that is the Lovell Estate with me.

Although that doesn’t explain where she is now. She could have had another two years of money if she’d stuck around.

Assuming I could have stuck it at Lovell Academy to attempt some A-levels. I barely hung around long enough to get any GCSEs.

“Yeah,” Dad murmurs, reminding me that we were in the middle of a conversation. “You could say that. Feels like I’ve waited my entire life for this.”

He leans forward, peppering kisses along Piper’s jaw.

“Ugh, you two are sickening,” I mutter, placing Piper’s coffee down and grabbing mine, more than ready to make my escape.

To be fair to them, they mostly keep PDAs around the house to a minimum, which I appreciate. But seeing them together, as long as it’s PG-13, doesn’t bother me like I thought it would. Mostly, I’m just happy for them. And maybe, just maybe a little bit jealous.

I was aware of the fact, but seeing Dad so affectionate with Piper makes it even more glaringly obvious that that isn’t how any of my interactions with Theo have been.

Sure, he’s covered me in his jizz twice now. But he hasn’t even got close to kissing me. Hell, he won’t even let me touch him.

Twisted fuck.

Neither of them says anything as I leave the room. I soon realise why when I look back and find them lost in their kiss.

My chest constricts at the sight.

Damn it.

The second I step back into my room, all I see, all I smell, is him.

My phone taunts me from my bedside table, but I ignore it.

I don’t want to know if he’s sent anything after his late-night visit.

After pausing, staring at it and wishing I was psychic for longer than I should, I grab my clothes for the day and head to the bathroom, more than ready to wash his scent and touch from me. It seems completely counterintuitive to shower before hitting the gym, but there’s no way I’m leaving this house with his scent in my nose.

No way in hell.

Tomorrow we’re leaving town for five days.

I’ll be able to put him and school behind me as if neither exists.

* * *