For some reason, all the faceless, nameless women of my past didn’t hold the same appeal.

I blame Seb and the way he and Stella are together. Even when they hated each other, there was just something… something deeper than I’ve ever felt.

Damn it, they’ve fucking broken me despite the fact that I’ve spent almost all of the last few weeks with a raging boner and the bluest balls on the planet.

Listening to their moans and calls for God have been all kinds of torture, and I can’t deny that I need to shift some of the tension pulling my muscles tight. The hours I’ve spent in the gym and with my own hand only get me so far.

Maybe getting my dick wet will even make her a little easier to deal with.

“Come on,” Seb says, clapping me on the shoulder. “It’s time to move. You can lose yourself in your dirty fantasies about fucking Emmie over her bike in class instead.”

“W-what?” I ask, barely registering his words. “That wasn’t… I wasn’t… fuck you, man. Fuck. You.”

He’s still laughing as he joins Alex, Nico and Toby, who are loitering by the entrance, having only just showed their faces.

“Morning, ladies,” Alex sings happily. “What’s got his knickers in a twist?” he asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

“Not being able to get in Emmie’s. Standard,” Seb happily announces, a little too loudly.

“You fucked her the night she gave you a black eye though, right?” Nico asks, clutching at straws. “I always knew she’d like it rough.”

Ignoring them, I barge past, my shoulder colliding with his as I make my way out into the corridor.

“Theo, wait,” a feminine voice calls as I make my way down the hall.

Fighting a groan, I turn to look at Sloane as she all but runs to catch up with me.

She either doesn’t notice that I quite clearly don’t want to talk to her, or she just flat-out ignores it, because she launches into a clearly practised speech about the economics project we’ve been paired up to do.

The deadline for it isn’t until the new year, and I had every intention of just doing it over the holidays and handing it in without any drama.

I don’t have the patience for Sloane, Teagan, and Lylah and their bitchy drama, and I already know that I’ll somehow find myself in the middle of it if we have to start working together.

“So I was thinking we could meet between Christmas and New Year. I could come to your new place, you could show me around.”

Her words blur to nothing as we keep walking, and it’s not until a familiar stare makes my skin prickle with awareness that I pay attention to my surroundings.

Looking up, I find Emmie standing in the doorway to the girls’ toilets, glaring at Sloane. I swear, I can see all the ways she wants to hurt the girl by my side in her gaze.

Interesting, seeing as she’s usually planning my slow and painful death in her head.

Without thinking, I reach out and wrap my arm around Sloane, gripping her hip and pulling her into my side as we continue walking.

“Yeah,” I find myself saying as we pass the bathroom. “That sounds like a good plan. I can’t wait to show you my new place.”

I catch Emmie’s eyes narrowing before she disappears from my vision.

Unfortunately, by the time we’ve rounded the corner, Sloane is more than comfortable with her own arm locked around my waist. And as much as I want to rip her from my side, I can’t make a scene.

“This is me,” I say, slowing beside the classroom I start all my mornings in.

I come to a stop, ready to duck into the room and leave her behind, but her fingers grip my jacket and I have no choice but to turn back to her.

“This was nice,” she says, staring up at me with sappy eyes and an easy smile on her lips.

Easy. Yeah. That’s one way to describe her.

“Yeah. Lovely. You’re going to be late. Your tutor room is upstairs, right?”