I knock the top off a bottle of beer and throw it across the counter, watching as it bounces to a stop in the corner.

My entire body is tense, and my need to move, to do something, anything means that I end up pacing back and forth through the length of my flat.

I stand at the windows, staring out across the city, but the car lights moving below do little to ease the tension pulling my muscles tight.

I could go out, get wasted with the guys and hook up with some random chick for the night. It might even help for a bit. But I know it’s not going to cut it.

There’s only one thing that does.

Grabbing my tablet, I turn it on and power up the app I’ve become addicted to.

My heart pounds as I wait for it to load. I don’t know why. I know exactly what I’m going to find, and it’s going to be nothing but disappointing.

The second the image of the room appears, it looks as I feared.


The bed is neatly made, and although there are signs of her being there, all the things she uses every day like the hairbrush that always sits on her dressing table next to her massive makeup bag has gone.

The boots that always sit by the door are no longer there.

I blow out a frustrated breath, not wanting to resort to my next move.

I resisted last night. Just barely.

My tablet taunted me from the bedside table as I laid there, staring up at the ceiling with images of the night before filling my mind.

I expected her to close her window after Saturday night, but to my surprise, when I walked up her back garden, I found it open as usual. Only this time, the sight made my cock ache until it hurt because I knew it was an invitation.

She knew about my nightly addiction, and fuck if she wasn’t feeding it.

It’s why going cold turkey last night was so fucking hard.

For weeks I’ve visited her while she’s slept.

Some nights I’ve just watched her. Others, I’ve got myself off with the sound of her talking in her sleep. Then there are the couple that I really pushed my luck, painting my cum over her lips as she laid there, completely unaware of my presence let alone anything else.

Knowing that she was going to lick her lips at some point and taste me… Fuck. Even now it gets me hard as fucking steel.

Unable to stop myself, I open the next app, my need to know unbearable.

It’s a different app from the one the guys and I use to keep tabs on each other. I didn’t want to risk them knowing what I was doing. They already suspect too much.

It takes forever to search. The little wheel in the middle of the screen teases me for the longest time before a map appears, slowly zooming in on a location to the south of the city.

“Holy fuck,” I breathe when it finally comes to a stop, giving me her exact location.

She’s only an hour and a half away.


I shouldn’t have looked.

I’d convinced myself that they’d be at the other end of the country or something. Too far away for me to be able to do anything.

I glance up at the huge silver clock that covers almost all the back wall of the living room.

Eleven pm.