It’s Christmas, for fuck’s sake. He should be with his family. His siblings.

I think of his brother and sisters. It was clear from just the short time I spent with them the night of the fire that they idolise their big brother.

I can just imagine him sitting on the floor of their living room, building Lego, playing cars, or whatever it is kids want these days.

Hell, they’re so fucking wealthy they probably each got the latest Xbox or whatever and spent the day glued to it as they fought or raced each other.

The thought of Theo doting on the three of them brings a smile to my lips.

I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, but I just know it’s how his day has been.

It hits me then. The weakness I was searching for. It’s them.

Although that’s not exactly the kind of weakness I want. There’s no way I’d use them in this twisted thing between us.

Fucking hell. What is wrong with me?

They flip the camera back around and ask me about my day, about the presents I received, and they happily tell me what they got as Alex delivers them fresh shots.

“I should let you go and enjoy yourselves,” I say when it becomes clear they’re missing out on whatever the guys are laughing about a while later.

“We miss you, Em,” Stella says with a pout.

“You’re drunk, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I do. I miss you. Things haven’t been the same since… yeah. You know I don’t blame you at all, right?” she slurs.

“I do,” I say past the lump that crawls up my throat.

I’d never betray her, never. But the guilt is still there nonetheless.

“Everything’s cool, I promise.”

She smiles at me, concern wrinkling her brow.

“Okay. We’re celebrating New Year together. Okay?”

“Okay,” I agree. “Enjoy your night. Make sure Seb gives you a screaming Christmas gift,” I wink.

“Already done a few times over, Em,” Seb shouts from somewhere, making Stella smile.

“He’s not lying. He woke me with—”

“Okay, I’m going,” I say in a rush. “Bye.”

I jam my finger into the screen and blow out a long breath, my shoulders deflating as I do.