“Come on then, I want to see what you’re up to,” I demand, forcing the memories aside.

As Stella pulls out onto the street, Emmie takes over the music and some hard rock booms through the speakers.

“Really?” I mutter.

“Quit bitching,” she scoffs. “We’re in charge right now.”

“Ain’t that the fucking truth,” I mutter, making Stella laugh.

Slouching back in the seat, I focus on watching her drive across the city to save me from diving headfirst into memories from yesterday and the constant ache in my chest.

Her hand grips the wheel tightly. Unlike everyone else, letting her drive my car doesn’t really bother me—not that I’m going to tell her that. I’m pretty sure it’s got something to do with just how hot she looks while she’s driving.

She’s got her hair up in a messy bun, allowing me to see down her slim neck before her skin gets covered by her leather jacket.

“I can feel you staring,” she says, shooting me a quick look over her shoulder.

I shrug, totally unfazed at being caught.

“You’re mine,” I state like it’s the answer to everything.

Sitting back, I rip my eyes from my girl, watching the shops and houses pass outside, trying to work out what they’ve got planned. But as we navigate the streets with Emmie directing, I’m no closer to guessing where the hell we’re going.

“Just pull up over here,” Emmie eventually says, pointing to a space on the side of the road a little farther down.

Stella parks with ease, kills the engine, and then turns to look at me with a wide smile playing on her face.

The little bit of unease I was feeling about what we’re doing immediately disappears. I wasn’t lying when I assured her that I trusted her. I do implicitly.

“We don’t have time for this,” Emmie mutters, pushing the door open and climbing out.

“What’s her problem?” I ask with a laugh, although I think we all know full well what her issue is. It comes in the form of my best friend.

Stella shakes her head at me and climbs from the car.

It’s not until I’m on the pavement beside them and looking down at the businesses that line the street that I start to get a clue as to what we’re about to do.

“Hellion,” I growl as she grabs my hand and starts moving forward.

“What’s wrong? Not scared, are you?”

“Scared? No, baby. Just intrigued.”

“Good. Although something tells me you’re going to love it.” With that said, she drags me through the front door to a tattoo studio called Rebel Ink.

A pink-haired woman sitting behind a desk welcomes us, but the second she smiles at Emmie and addresses her by name, I realise that there’s much more to this than I first thought.

“This is Stella and Seb,” Emmie says, introducing us.

“Hey, I’m Biff. It’s so good to finally meet you. Emmie’s always talking about you, little chatterbox she is,” Biff teases while Emmie’s lips purse in frustration.

“She’s lying. She didn’t think I had real-life friends until you just walked in.”

“She’s right,” Biff agrees with a laugh. “Her daddy is always telling us about her imaginary friends. He—”

“Right, are we about done here?” Emmie snaps, her face beginning to turn a little red as to why we’re in this specific studio hits me.

“Yeah, he’s all ready for you and already settled your bill. Have fun, kids.”She winks.