How he’s sat in that position inking us all afternoon and evening I have no idea. His back must be aching like a bitch.

Emmie and I unwrap our burgers, eating in silence as D asks Seb if he wants to see.

“Nope, just wrap me up.”

“You don’t want to see?” I ask around my mouthful of food.

“Of course. But I’ll look later. With you.”

My heart flutters at his words.

“You know, you two are almost cute,” D admits as he finishes up.

“Cute?” Seb scoffs. “There’s nothing fucking cute about either of us. My girl’s a bigger bad-arse than you. I fucking guarantee it.”

“Oh yeah?” D asks, sounding all kinds of amused.

Dragging his eyes from D’s, Seb looks at one of the many, many sketches covering the walls.

“Amazing resemblance of Miss Hill, D,” Seb mutters. “Real bad boy biker of you.”

“Fuck you, squirt.” Seb just chuckles, knowing that he’s touched a nerve. “I walked away from that life a long time ago. Best decision I’ve ever made. Emmie comes above everything.”

I glance over at my friend just in time to see her swallow nervously. It only confirms what I already knew. D has no idea that Emmie has been hanging out with the exact people he’s tried to keep her away from.

Rather her than me when he discovers that.

I raise a brow at her and she just waves me off, clearly not wanting to visit that little issue right now.

But she’s not stupid. She knows it’s coming.

D runs through the after-care instructions for our new ink before he grabs himself some food and Seb comes to sit beside me on the couch.

He drops a kiss to my bare shoulder before wrapping his arm around my waist and proceeding to eat his burger one-handed.

“I can’t believe you didn’t look,” I whisper as D and Emmie lose themselves in an argument about when she can get her first ink.

“I will. When we’re alone.”

I shake my head at him. “You’re crazy.”

“Crazy for you.”

I can’t help it, I swoon so fucking hard. “That was cheesy.”

He shrugs, biting into his burger.

Feeling eyes burning into the side of my face, I look up to see D staring at us.

“You two remind me of Piper and me when we were younger,” he muses.

Emmie might not have given me any real details, but she did say that they knew each other as kids and that club bullshit ripped them apart.

“Want some advice?” he asks, deadly serious.

“Daaad,” Emmie whines as if he’s the most embarrassing person to ever walk the planet.

“Sure,” I say, intrigued.