“Bro, you don’t really think that—”

Thundering footsteps make Alex’s question end abruptly, and not ten seconds later does the living room door widen and three larger-than-life men walk inside.

Damien, Evan, and my dad come storming into the room.

“Stella,” Dad breathes, his entire body relaxing when his eyes land on me.

“I’m okay,” I say, stepping away from Seb for the first time since he got here so I can embrace my dad. His eyes run all over me, looking for cuts and bruises. “I’m okay. I promise.”

His strong arms wrap around me and he drops his lips to the top of my head.

The same overwhelming rush of emotions I felt when Seb first burst into the room slam back into me.

I could have died tonight. Both of us could have. If Emmie didn’t want ice cream, we would have been inside when the house went up.

Or would we?

Is Theo right? Is this connected to Emmie?

She’d left the apartment.

A shudder rips through me at the thought.

“My office,” Damien barks, while Dad still holds me. “We’re finding this motherfucker. Tonight. He’s not going to get away with this.”

Damien’s voice is cold, deadly as he makes that statement, and Dad releases me, ready to follow the boss’s orders.

“Come on, baby,” Seb says, wrapping his arm around my waist and pushing me to follow everyone out of the room.

“I-I don’t think he meant me,” I try to argue when he turns us to follow the others.

“You’re a part of this, Stella.”

Damien’s eyes track me as I slip into the room beside Seb, and I brace myself for him to demand I leave.

But he never does.

“Estella, come and take a seat.”

He gestures to the chair that Evan lowered himself into, and his second immediately jumps to his feet, allowing me to sit.

“U-uh…” I stutter, feeling completely out of place, and still a little drunk, but Seb’s hand on my lower back pushes me forward.

“Theo, pull up the security footage. There has to be something we can go on.”

“Boss.” He nods, walking over to another desk with multiple computer screens mounted on the wall behind it.

“Tell me everything,” Damien demands, his hard, angry eyes holding mine.

Seb’s hand squeezes my shoulder, letting me know that he’s right behind me, and I start talking.

"It’s got something to do with the Reapers, Boss. I’m telling you,” Theo adds once I’ve finished. “There are too many coincidences where Emmie Ramsey is concerned.”

Damien sits silently for a beat, his expression and body language completely unreadable.

And then he says two words that turn my blood to ice.

“You’re right.”