
Islide my hands around her body, ready to close even more space between us. My need to feel every inch of her against me to make myself believe what she’s telling me is too much to deny.

I thought she was inside that house.

I thought…

A shudder rips through my entire body as the memory of flying through the entrance and seeing the house engulfed in flames for the first time hits me once more.

“I’m okay,” she mumbles into our kiss. But as I slide my hands down her back, ready to grab her arse, she flinches.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, ripping my lips from hers.

“Nothing. Seb, I just need—”

Placing my hand on her shoulders, I spin her around and lift her top.

“Motherfucker,” I bark, seeing the red, angry skin all the way up her back.

“It’s fine,” she argues.

“It is not fine,” I hiss, peeling her hoodie and tank from her body before unhooking her bra and letting it drop to the floor. “Don’t move,” I instruct, dropping a kiss to her shoulder and racing from the room.

I navigate through the Cirillo mansion quickly until I locate one of the many first aid boxes in the master bathroom and pull out what I need.

When I slip back into the room I’ve claimed as ours, I find she hasn’t followed orders at all.

Although, I’m not really sure I expected anything less.

“Stella,” I growl, following the slither of light coming from the adjoining bathroom.

Pushing the door open, I can’t help my breath catching when I find her standing behind the glass shower screen, totally naked with water rushing over her mouthwatering curves.

She’s standing with her front to me, but her face is tilted up, allowing the water to rush over her skin.

My fingers curl around the tube of cream in my hand as I push aside just how badly I need her, my anger taking over.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I bark out.

Her entire body flinches at my deep, booming voice, quickly followed by the slam of the door as I kick it hard behind me.

“Shit,” she hisses, her eyes wide in fear.

“What the fuck, Seb? You scared the shit out of me.”

Taking a step forward, I suck in a deep breath through my nose.

“I told you to stay put.” I narrow my eyes at her, letting her see how fucking pissed I am, but as ever, she just waves it off, a smile curling at her lips as she takes in the tube of antiseptic cream in my hand.

“It’s just some friction burn, Seb. It’s fine.”

“You were nearly fucking blown up. Nothing about this is fine.”

“I know. I know, but…”

The broken, exhausted look on her face forces all the anger and tension from my body. She sags back against the wall, gasping as the cold tiles hit her sore skin.