
“Stella!” Calli screams when Seb and I walk hand in hand to the kitchen after our need for caffeine overtook our shock. “Oh my God. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

She’s off the stool she was perched on and collides with my body not two seconds later.

“Now that is something I can get on board with,” Alex mutters suggestively, earning himself a very hard slap around the head from Nico.

“If you don’t have anything constructive to say, shut the fuck up.”

“Fuck off, if it was Emmie molesting Stella like that you know he’d be all over it,” Alex says, tilting his head toward Theo as he stalks in behind us.

“Shut up or get out.” Theo’s voice is cold and so fucking lethal that it actually sends a shiver of fear down my spine.

“What’s happened?” Calli whispers in my ear after peeking at her cousin over my shoulder.

“Nothing I can tell you yet. I’m sorry,” I say with a wince.

Instead of the frustration I was expecting to cover her face from being shut out, I’m pleased when she just nods in understanding.

“You got him though, right? This is all coming to an end?”

“Yeah. It’s ending.”

“Thank fuck for that. My nerves can’t take this shit.”

“Man, up, baby C. You’re a fucking Cirillo,” Theo snaps, storming past us and toward the array of food on the counter.

“Arsehole,” she mutters after him, but he doesn’t react.

“Do you all want coffees?” Selene asks, appearing from somewhere behind me.

“Yes please,” Seb says politely, making me smile.

She gives her son a curious glance before moving past him toward the coffee machine. I’m sure she’s more than used to Theo angry. And if not him, then his father.

Until recently, I would have told anyone who’d have listened that Theo was nothing like his father—or the image of his father that had been explained to me, seeing as I hadn’t actually met the man—but after the other night in the apartment, and then this morning, I realize just how wrong I would have been.

Theo Cirillo really is his father’s prodigy.

“Eat,” he demands, looking over his shoulder at me before shooting a knowing look at Seb.

“Come on, Hellion. We’re gonna need our strength.”

His hand lands on my lower back as he pushes me forward, toward the food and away from Calli.

“Have you spoken to Emmie?” she asks behind me.

Theo doesn’t look back, but I don’t miss the way his entire body locks up at the sound of her name.

“Not this morning. Was she okay when you dropped her off last night?” I ask, looking at Nico.

He grunts in response. “Her usual delightful self.”

The guys all share a knowing look.

Even though it’s only the three of us who know the truth about last night right now, they’re all aware of Theo’s concerns, and recent events can only be feeding their suspicions.