“Nothing. Everything is fine.”

I come to stand beside him, looking out into the darkness beyond. The house in front of us is lit up, his family inside doing whatever they do. Or more so, his mum and the kids. I’m sure Damien is nowhere to be seen, as per usual.

“I wish I knew what his next move is going to be.”

“You and me both.”

My eyes scan what little I can see, but there’s nothing. No one. Not that I was really expecting to. He has to be a real fucking stupid cunt to try something at the boss’s home.

But then, I guess he is going up against us all. He must think he’s really something special if he believes for even a second that he’s going to win.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Stella asks, bursting through the door behind us.

“Nothing,” I say, turning my back on the window and pushing my free hand into my pocket, running my eyes down the length of her.

She’s wearing one of my hoodies and just a small pair of shorts underneath that have vanished. The level of tease is almost unbearable. And if I didn’t trust Theo explicitly, or was pretty convinced both Calli and Emmie are straight, I’d be demanding she change. Because damn.

“Stop getting ideas, bro. You’re still on a sex ban, remember?” Theo quips, sounding way too fucking happy about it.

“I haven’t forgotten,” I grunt. How fucking can I when she walks around like that?

“You coming to hang? Emmie brought doughnuts.”

“I’m in,” I say, unable to refuse the offer of being with my girl and doughnuts.

Pushing from the window, I walk right up to her, threading my fingers through her hair at the nape of her neck, and slam my lips down on hers.

“Mmm, tastes like you’ve started without us,” I whisper, licking across her bottom lip.

“You get the leftovers,” she confesses.

“You taste like heaven, baby.”

Sweeping my tongue into her mouth, I drag her body against mine, ignoring the pain in my shoulder. It’s so fucking worth it.

“Fucking dying for you, Hellion.”

She moans into my kiss, letting me know that the feeling is most definitely mutual as she sags into my hold.

Something hard hits me around the head, forcing me to release her.

“What the fuck, man?” Theo stands behind me, unable to get out of the room because we’re blocking the doorway.

“Sex ban.”

“You need to get laid, bro. Seriously, all this stress is bad for your health.”

He stares at me, his face impassive.

“Get out of the fucking way.”

With a snorted laugh, Stella takes my hand and leads me down to the living room, where Calli and Emmie are sitting on the sofas around a huge box of doughnuts.

My stomach growls at the sight.

“You’ve looked better, Seb,” Emmie deadpans.

“I got fucking shot. What about it?”