“Nope. We’d have happily done it just now with you all listening.”

“Yeah, don’t we fucking know it,” Theo shouts back.

“Jealousy isn’t a good look, bro. Maybe we can find you a girl tonight.”

“At a fight? Un-fucking-likely.”

“We’ll see,” I whisper, quiet enough so that only Seb can hear me.

He shrugs, and I laugh in accomplishment.

Alex and Nico pile into Theo’s Maserati, and Seb opens his passenger door for me as I stare at Theo’s Ferrari with longing.

“Why thank you, kind sir,” I mock when I turn my attention back to him.

My ass is only seconds away from hitting the leather when he reaches out and grasps my throat.

His eyes flick between mine and my dark lips as my heart rate picks up.

“You want kind, Hellion, you’re with the wrong guy.”

I smirk at him, daring him to prove it.

“Later,” he breathes, reading my silent words.

He releases me, and I fall into the seat in a heap and let out a groan of frustration.

“You okay?” He shoots me a wicked look as he drops into the seat beside me and starts the car, his sexy hands wrapping around the wheel and doing crazy things to my insides.

I bite down on my bottom lip as I imagine what those fingers would feel like, stretching me open and—

“Hellion,” Seb growls.

Schooling my features, I drag my eyes away from him and look out of the windshield.

“We’re going to be late.”

I don’t need to look over to know he’s smiling at me. I can sense it.

After a beat, he pulls out of the garage and guns it from the driveway toward Emmie’s part of the city.

She lives on the other side of Knight’s Ridge College. Since doing a little bit of Googling after she confessed to who her grandfather is, I’ve discovered that she lives right on the edge of the Royal Reapers’ territory, whereas we’re obviously right in the middle of the Cirillo Family’s.

My need to know if Seb is aware of who Emmie is related to is almost too much to contain as we get closer to her house, but I just about manage to swallow the question down. Something tells me that if he knew, he’d say something about it. Guilt twists my insides that I haven’t told him, but then I figure that it’s not my secret to tell. It’s Emmie’s life, and I respect her need to keep it away from the guys.

I found some old newspaper articles from a few years ago that alluded to the fact the Reapers and the Cirillos have some bad blood in their past, and I’d hate to be the reason the guys—Theo—had any more issue with Emmie. Assuming he doesn’t already know exactly who she is.

The back door to the car opening startles me.

“Hey bitches,” Emmie says happily, dropping into the back seat.

“You okay?” Seb whispers, noticing that I got lost in my own head for a bit there.

“Yeah, I’m good.” I smile at him before turning toward the heavily made-up girl in the back seat. “Whoa, your makeup is on point, Em.”

“Thanks. I was bored and actually did it before you even messaged. It was just meant to be. So, where are we going?”

“You wanna watch some dudes beat the shit out of each other?”