“No, but does Theo?”

“Probably. I get the impression that fuckwit knows everything.”

“Yeah, he is a bit like that, huh. Fuck it,” she says, throwing her hood back off. “Who gives a fuck if they know. I’m sure no one will even recognise me.”

“Come on then, Princess Emmie,” I quip, earning me a death glare which I’m sure would make many others cower.

Standing a little taller, she links her arm through mine and we finally join Seb, who introduces me but thankfully ignores Emmie.

“So who’s fighting tonight?” Emmie asks as we descend the stairs toward the basement.

With each step we take, the temperature increases and the excitement gets louder. The scent of the old, forgotten building mixes with male sweat and makes my nose wrinkle.

“Xander and Joker.”

“Oh sweet, it should be a good night then,” she shouts over the increasingly loud music that booms from beneath us. The confidence in her voice shows that she really does know what she’s talking about, and Seb shoots me a confused look.

I just shrug it off, but I don’t think for a second that Emmie is going to get out of tonight without being discovered.

I’m just not sure if that’s going to be a good thing or not. Hopefully the former. Maybe if Theo doesn’t already know, finding out might make him look at her a little differently.

I shake my head at my own thoughts. They’re bullshit. Of course he knows.

We’re engulfed by the darkness at the bottom of the stairs and surrounded by a thick cloud of smoke, both cigarette and weed.

“Jesus,” I cough as my eyes water.

“You’ll soon get used to it. Come on, let’s go find the guys and deliver Theo’s gift.”

I laugh, threading my arm through Emmie’s and allowing Seb to drag us toward a makeshift bar built of old crates.

With three warm beers in hand, Seb continues fighting through the crowd, most of which are already drunk and more than ready for a little bloodshed.

We’re pushed and jostled as we make our way through the bodies who are standing in front of the ring. Once we’re almost through, I spot Theo, Alex, Daemon and Nico standing in what looks like some kind of VIP area.

Of course. I can barely control the need to roll my eyes as I stare at the four of them standing there like they fucking own the place.

“Is this a Cirillo event?” I ask in Seb’s ear as we finally break free of the crowd.

“No. The Circuit is neutral. Mickey uses fighters from all the London organizations. Anyone who will bring him the money. But this fight is on our territory, so we get a cut of the profits and take control of security, that kind of thing.”

“So you all knew this was happening before the message came through?” I ask with my brows pulled tight.

“No. Evan and Jonas work with Mickey. They’ll have sorted everything. We don’t automatically find out unless we ask, Alex, Daemon or Nico are fighting, or we’re needed for security.”

I nod as we step up to the others, and I can’t help smiling when Theo’s face morphs into one of pure fury at the sight of the girl behind me.

What the fuck is his actual problem?

“Stella,” he growls.

“What? I brought a friend. Suck it up, Cirillo.”

His eyes flick between mine and Seb’s as if he’s waiting for Seb to what… tell me off for asking him to pick up Emmie?

Ugh. Conceited asshole.

“Whatever,” he mutters, waving us off and disappearing through the crowd.