
“Seb,” a familiar voice booms through the smoke-filled space. “Fuck, are you okay?” Theo asks when I approach him after fighting my way through broken furniture and dead bodies.

He’s crouched down behind an overturned table with his hoodie covering his mouth to help him breathe.

“Yeah. Stella’s gone home. What are we dealing with?”

He shakes his head. “I dunno. We’ve taken out four of them. The others have vanished.”

“We’ll get them. Those fucks aren’t leaving here without us.”

“Where are the others?”

“Hunting. You packing?”

“Of course,” I say, lifting my gun.

A loud crash cuts off whatever Theo was about to say as a part of the building collapses around us.

“We need to find those motherfuckers and get the hell out of here while we can.”

Another round of shots pierces the air before Daemon’s cold, hollow voice booms.

“A little fucking help would be nice.”

“Let’s go,” Theo instructs.

We make our way through the room, keeping low in the hope of finding a little air as we move closer to the flames.

The heat begins to singe the hairs on my forearms, but it’s not enough to stop me. Not when I know that my brothers are down here.

We find Alex and Nico with two guys pinned to the ground, both with blood oozing from them. Daemon has another pinned to the wall with his forearm pressed into his throat.

Reaching out, he rips the guy’s balaclava off, giving us a look at his face.

“Fucking lying cunts,” Daemon spits in the guy’s face.

I have no fucking clue who he is, but clearly, Daemon is well aware.

Something else collapses behind us, the flames beginning to engulf the space.

“We need to fucking move,” Theo says as Alex and Nico haul the guys from the floor.

Thankfully, almost everyone else who’s able to has left.

“Where the fuck did the Reapers go?” I ask.

“This was a fucking setup,” Daemon barks, confirming my suspicions.

Silently, we make our way up the stairs and burst out of the burning building right before the ceiling falls in behind us.

“Fuck, that was close,” Alex mutters, looking back at the devastation.

A black van pulls up in front of us, and the second I look up, I find Evan in the driver’s seat, Galen right beside him.

“Get them in, tie them up,” Daemon instructs as if he’s the fucking boss.