“No fucking shit, arsehole,” Alex growls.

“We’re going to need more than that if you think you’ve got even a small chance of getting out of this alive.”

Evan is lying. We all know that.

None of these fucks are getting out of here tonight for the fucking stunt they pulled, no matter where the orders came from.

We have neutral ground for a fucking reason.

The three of us continue until the guys strapped to the chairs are barely conscious, all six of us covered in blood.

My chest heaves, sweat trickles down my spine, and my muscles ache, but it’s so fucking sweet.

The only thing better would be if my girl was here.

Fuck yeah.

A smirk pulls at my lips as I think about her covered in blood, fucking her up against one of the walls as we celebrated getting what we need out of these cunts.

Maybe I shouldn’t have sent her away.

“We don’t know where the order came from, okay? Boss wouldn’t tell us.”

I stare at the man before me, his eyes almost completely swollen shut.

“You’re lying,” I hiss.

“H-he’s not,” another confirms. “We were told to come and make a scene.”

“Why?” Evan booms.

“We don’t know.”

“P-please,” the first man whimpers, clearly in agony. “We were just following orders.”

I glance over at Evan, trying to get a read on what he thinks.

I don’t believe a fucking word of it, but he’s the body language expert here, so we’ll see if I’m onto something or not.

“Theo, Daemon.” He nods at both of them, and the three of us instinctively take a step back, knowing that’s what the boss wants.

The smirk on Daemon’s face is downright deadly as he takes a step forward, pulling his knife from his pocket.

Oh fuck. This is going to hurt.

Theo follows his move and they both select their victims. The ones who squealed first. They both press the tips of their knives to their throats.

“The truth,” Evan demands.

Theo is the first to push his knife into the guy’s throat, and the one in the middle panics.

“You’ve got a snake.”

“Who?” Evan asks, showing zero reaction or shock.

“Honestly, we don’t know. But this order… it came from within your family.”

“You’re lying,” Galen states, speaking for the first time.