
With my arms locked around my legs that are pressed to my chest, I rock back on the couch.

“Come on,” I beg quietly. “Come home. Please.”

I’m sitting in the dark, just in case anyone does come looking for me and sees the lights on.I promised Seb that I’d get home safely, and I fully intend on keeping that promise.

I fight to keep my fear down, but as the seconds pass, it’s becoming harder and harder to convince myself that everything is okay. That Seb—all of them—got out safe.

My entire body trembles, and my blood feels like ice racing through my veins as I wait for something, anything, from them.

My cell sits silently beside me and I will it to light up with Seb’s name, for him to tell me that he’s coming for me.

But it never does.

The need to call Calli, my dad, Toby, rushes through me but I can’t. I don’t want to scare Calli or make Toby feel useless. And I have a suspicion that Dad will already be involved in what’s going on, so the last thing he needs is me calling like a needy little kid.

I blow out a shaky breath.

They’ll be okay. They’re just helping people or something.

A loud crash outside makes me scream like a little bitch, and I jump from the couch on weak legs.

The thought of this being about separating me from the guys so that he can get to me is still raging in my mind.

I shake my arms out at my sides as I walk toward the window and look out.

I can’t see anyone, or anything of concern, but someone is down there.

There’s another bang, and then a rattling of the door from the garage, explaining why I can’t see anyone.

It’s not the guys though, I know that much. That lock is weird, but they all know how to work it with ease—unlike me, who’s given up a few times in favor of the front door.

I bite down on the insides of my cheeks to stop me calling out to see who it is.

The rattling continues for a few seconds, my stomach churning and my heart threatening to pound right out of my chest.

The next time I hear anything, it’s the front door.

“Oh my God,” I gasp, grabbing my gun and racing down the stairs with it raised and ready to defend myself.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Am I about to get my first kill?

My foot hits the bottom step as the door swings open. I pull the safety down and have my finger on the trigger when… Emmie looks up at me with wide, horrified eyes.

“Fuck. That was you?” I bark, lowering my gun. “Jesus. Fuck. Em.”

She swings the door closed and I damn near throw myself at her, wrapping my arms around her and squeezing tightly as I try to calm down.

I already know that Emmie’s not really a hugger, but with me pinning her arms to her sides, she doesn’t even get a chance to attempt it.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” I breathe.

“Okay, Stel. You’re scaring me a bit,” she confesses.