Seb glances back at Emmie.

“What? I’m not going to say anything,” she says, throwing her hands up in defense.

“They’re where no one will find them.”

I let out a frustrated sigh. I guess that’s all I’m getting right now.

“Baby, you’re bleeding,” Seb says, running his finger down my arm.

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not. It’s coming through the plaster.”

“It’ll stop.”

He pulls his head back and stares me dead in the eye.

“I told her she needed stitches on some, but she refused to go to the hospital.” Emmie helpfully adds.

“Good. I need you safe,” Seb says, confirming that I did the right thing. “But they need looking at,” he says as he inspects the deeper cuts on my thigh.

“I’ve got it covered,” Alex says, dragging his cell from his pocket and walking to the kitchen. “Hey, you free to come and patch someone up for us?” he asks.

“Who’s that?”

“His mum. She’s a nurse.”


“I’m gonna go shower,” Nico says, backing toward the door. “But I’ll be back. I’m not missing Theo's reaction.”

“You’re all overreacting. He gave me his keys. It’s not my fault I can’t fucking drive,” Emmie snaps.

“He actually told you to drive his car back here?” Seb asks, sounding about as shocked as I was.

“Well… not in so many words. He threw his keys at me and told me to get here ASAP. His car key was there so I just thought… Whatever. It’s not like he hasn’t got enough money to get it fixed. You lot are all so fucking loaded it’s sickening,” she huffs, folding her arms across her chest. “I can take him,” she mutters. “He’s just a jumped-up son of a bitch who needs teaching a lesson,” she mutters under her breath.

“Oh yeah, I’m not missing this for anything.”

Nico disappears down the stairs again and Alex comes over with beer.

“I’ll be ten. I’m going to shower too. Order some food, I’m fucking starving.” He throws a takeout menu down on Emmie’s lap and her entire body tenses.

“What am I, your fucking slave?”

“You can be whatever you want to be, babe.” He winks seductively. “You might be more Theo’s type, but I’m not one to turn down a hot little body when it’s on offer.”

“It’s not, wanker,” she snaps.

“You were only saying the other day that you needed some good dick, Em. Maybe you should take him up on the offer,” I suggest. “I mean, I can only vouch for his kissing skills but—ouch,” I complain when Seb digs his fingers into my ribs.

“Enough, Hellion,” he growls in my ear.

Taking his dirty cheeks in my hands, I hold his eyes.

“Jealousy looks good on you, baby,” I purr.

Leaning forward, I nip his bottom lip, making his eyes darken with desire.