“Fucking hell,” my sister sighs, tentatively taking my other side, being careful of my strapped-up shoulder and helping me down the short hallway.

“See,” Theo says when we pass the small window to where Stella is. “Still as hot as the last time you saw her.”

A growl rumbles up my throat at his words, but I can’t deny that they’re true.

She might not be looking her best right now—her skin is pale, her makeup is smeared all over her face, and she’s got obvious tear tracks down her cheeks—but she’s beautiful. She always will be to me.

Movement at her bedside drags my attention away from my girl, and I find Galen sitting there, his face pulled tight. The lingering zombie face paint does little to hide the pain etched into his features. Calvin, his security, and their housekeeper are sitting on the other side of the room, frowns pulling their brows together.

“We should get you back,” Sophia says.

“No. I need to talk to him.” I surge forward, forcing the pain aside as I reach for the door and use the handle to keep me upright.

Galen startles, his eyes going wide when he sees me standing there.

“Shit, you should be in bed.”

Ripping my eyes from his as he stands, I look back at Stella.

“I know. I just needed to…” I trail off. Something tells me he doesn’t need the words. “What did they give her?”

“GHB. Come sit down,” he says in a rush, moving aside. “Although you should be in a bed.”

“We’re gonna wait outside,” Calvin says, he and Angie slipping out of the room to give us some privacy—but not before Angie squeezes my good shoulder in support.

Ignoring Galen, Theo and my sister behind me, I shuffle forward, lowering myself to the chair and reaching out for her hand.

She moans as we connect, and my heart aches knowing that she’s aware that I’m here.

“Everything’s going to be okay, baby,” I say, rubbing across her knuckles with my thumb.

* * *

Ionly managed to get five minutes with Stella before my favourite nurse came to drag me back to my own room.

The look on her face when she saw me sitting there was pure death.

I’d have told most people where to go when they started ordering me around, but Janice… there’s something about her that makes me listen. I have no idea if she’s got kids, but fuck, I feel for them if they exist.

Sophia and Theo escorted me back to my room and helped me into bed before I quite swiftly passed out again.

It might have only been a bullet to the shoulder, but whatever pain meds they have me on are killer.

The next time I come to, there’s a scent filling my nose that makes my heart rate increase.

“Baby?” I whisper, not entirely sure if I’m still dreaming or if she really is here with me.


Goose bumps erupt across my whole body at her voice, and a shiver of need races down my spine.

Dragging my eyes open, I’m greeted by the most incredible sight.

My chin drops as I stare at her lying right beside me, sharing my pillow.

She looks a million times better than when I saw her in her room, however long ago that was. Her makeup has been washed away, leaving her beautiful skin clear, her hair has been fixed, and she’s no longer wearing her costume.

“How are you feeling?” I ask, continuing to check her over for injuries despite the fact that I’ve been told she has none.