
The pizza guy pulls into the Cirillos’ driveway as I’m seeing Gianna out and thanking her for coming at the last minute.

“You’ve got yourself a little firecracker there, Seb,” she says just before dropping into her car.

“Yeah, you’ve got that right,” I say, rubbing the back of my neck as I think of my girl.

“Keep her close, yeah?” she says, a knowing glint in her eye.

Giannamight have taken a giant step away from this life when she left Alex and Daemon’s dad a few years ago, but that doesn’t mean she’s forgotten what it’s like. How the men behave. How the women get treated.

She wanted Alex and Daemon away from it all, but she was too late by the time she made her move. The Family flowed through their veins from a young age, just like it did mine. There was no way they were going to leave with her.

“I have every intention to,” I assure her. “She’d probably kill me herself if I didn’t.”

She chuckles. “It was nice to meet her.”

“Thank you, G. We really appreciate you coming over at short notice.”

“Anything for my boys,” she says softly before dropping into her car. “Take care.”

Her door slams closed as another car turns into the driveway.

The windows are blacked out, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know who’s about to climb out.

I don’t see Gianna leave. I’m too focused on Theo as he emerges head to toe in blood and looking fucking lethal.

A bolt of twisted excitement races through me.

This is not going to end well for Emmie.

“Hey, how’d it… go?” I whisper the end of the question as he storms past me.

I can’t help but smirk as he marches toward his car and walks around the side.

The car that delivered him home disappears about two seconds before he booms, “Motherfucking cunt. I’m going to fucking kill her.”

Part of me wants to talk him down. The other slightly more wicked part wants to watch how this is going to play out.

The pair of them need whatever’s about to happen. I know that for a fact.

Without looking back, he rips open the garage door and heads for the stairs. I quickly turn and do the same.

I fly through into the living room only a beat after him, finding Stella’s eyes wide as she watches my deranged friend shoot toward hers.

A growl rips from his chest as he intercepts her coming back from the toilet and slams her against the wall with his hand around her throat.

“What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do?” he rumbles, his voice low and deadly.

But unlike most other people on the planet, Emmie looks totally unaffected by his temper, by the way his pulse thunders so hard it makes his eyebrow tic.

“Theo, it was an accident. Leave her alone,” Stella tries, albeit weakly. She wants them to have at this as much as I do.

Theo sure fucking needs it.

Emmie tilts her chin up in defiance, causing some kind of angry groan to rumble inside Theo as he waits for an answer.