“Theo looked like he’d taken a blood bath,” Stella says when everything falls silent once more.

“Yeah. I’m hardly surprised, though. He and Daemon can be quite… creative when they want to be.”

“Oh?” she asks, her brows lifting.

“Just because he’s not as quick with his fists as Nico, Alex and me, don’t think that means he’s not fucking lethal, baby. Theo’s just… calmer, more thoughtful when it comes to hurting someone.”

“Not sure if I should be terrified or turned on by that.”

A growl rumbles in my throat at her confession, but all she does is laugh.

“Yeah, so fucking funny, Hellion.”

Rolling onto my back, I pull her with me, letting her take the reins so I know I’m not hurting her as I thread my fingers into her messy hair and drag her lips down to mine.