
Sophia and Zoe give me a lift back to Theo’s once they’re done at the hospital.

Both of them look totally exhausted.

I get it. My energy is almost non-existent and I haven’t been through what they have today. My heart is breaking for all of them, but it’s nothing compared to how they must be feeling.

“He’ll be okay,” Sophia says, glancing at me in the rearview mirror, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

“I know,” I agree, forcing the words past the lump in my throat. And I do know he will.

The look he gave me as he left the hospital was different from when I found him out in that garden. He silently told me that he wasn’t running from me. Just from the situation.

I have every confidence he’s going to come back to me—assuming I don’t get too impatient and go and find him again first.

“I’ll let you know when he does.”

“Thank you,” she breathes.

With a sad smile at both of them, I climb out of the car and make my way to the door, giving them both a wave as they head off.

With a heavy sigh, I climb up the stairs and round the corner into the living room. As expected, multiple sets of concerned eyes fall on me.

I’d called Theo just like I promised I would, and he immediately told me he’d get straight to the hospital.

I’d put him off. He wasn’t happy about it, but what could he have really done? I was proved right when Seb took off not long later.

“Oh my God,” I breathe, finding a pair of eyes I wasn’t expecting. “Toby.”

He stands slowly from the couch when I move toward him and opens his arms for me.

“I didn’t know you were out,” I breathe, stepping into his body and loosely hugging him.

“Surprise,” he says, although it lacks any kind of excitement.

“It’s so good to see you. I’m sorry I haven’t visited for—”

“Stop, Stella. I know. Things have been—”


“Yeah,” he sighs with a pained laugh.

“Shouldn’t you be at home in bed or something?”

“Yes, he should,” Nico snaps.

“Give it a rest, Grampa,” Toby jokes, lowering himself onto the couch and dragging me with him.

“Have you heard from him?” Theo asks, and I shake my head.

“Jesus. This is such a fucking mess.'“

Silence ripples around the room, each of Seb’s brothers cut up about his loss.

They might have their differences but at times like this, it’s clear just how strong their bond really is.