“I don’t doubt that, Princess. You just shouldn’t have to. All of us… the things we do… I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”

“I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have a choice about being here, then. You said it last night. I’m one of you. Terrifying, I think you said. I’ll take whatever you throw at me.”

He shakes his head as if he can’t quite believe the words I’m saying. But I mean every single one.

“Have you said those little words to Emmie yet?”

“What little— No,” he snaps when he realizes what I mean. “I have no reason to.”

“You’re a fucking idiot,” I laugh.


“You heard. But you’re wrong about her. She’s not a threat to us. To you.”

Theo’s teeth grind, his grip on the wheel tightening.

“What? What don’t I know?”

He sighs, clearly not wanting to tell me what he’s thinking when it comes to my friend.

“Theo,” I growl.

“I don’t know anything, okay?” he spits. “I just… The Italians said that one of us was behind last night’s ambush. But it wasn’t just us there, and I don’t remember the Reapers looking all that shocked by the whole thing.”

“You think they were involved too?”

“I don’t know. The Italians wouldn’t change their story no matter what Daemon and I did. I just can’t help feeling like we’re missing something.”

I sit back and consider his words. I want to agree, but then I didn’t see much of the fallout of last night—I was too busy being hoisted through a window.

But I can understand where he’s coming from.

Where were the Reapers when we caught the Italians? Surely they’ve had guys injured as we have? Surely they’d have wanted their pound of flesh for that?

“Yeah, makes sense.”

“I shouldn’t be telling you this.”

“Why? Because I’m going to run to Emmie and squeal? Do you really think that little of me?”

“I haven’t told my brothers this, Princess. I haven’t even told my dad yet. I just… fuck.” His curled fist slams down on the wheel, his jaw popping in frustration.

Reality suddenly dawns on me.

“You haven’t told them because you’re protecting her.”

He glances over, but despite the fact that he doesn’t utter a word, I hear his response loud and clear.

“Even if the Reapers were—are— involved in all this shit, then—” I swallow my unease at the thought of them behind all the attacks on me. “Then there’s no reason to believe she’d know about it.”

“I know.” He pauses. “We’re missing something. Something fucking important. And fuck… I just can’t get it.”

“We will,” I assure him. “We’ll win. We’re better than them.”

“We could have all died last night, Princess.”

“But we didn’t. Now, put all that bullshit aside. We’ve got something more pressing to deal with.”