In only a few short weeks really, I’ve fallen headfirst into a relationship with Seb and moved in with him.

It probably wouldn’t have all happened so fast if my life wasn’t constantly on the line. Maybe the two of us would have had a slightly more normal and slower-paced start to things.

I can’t even imagine what that would be like now—going out on dates, to the movies, getting to know each other and then sneaking him into my bedroom like other teenagers.

I’m laughing to myself as we emerge into the living area where I left the guys.

“Galen,” Seb greets casually while Theo just nods, grabs his stuff, and makes a quick exit to give us some privacy.

“You two don’t look ready,” Dad says, looking between the two of us.

“Ready for… Oh shit,” I gasp, Toby’s words coming back to me. “Today?”

“Yeah, if that’s okay with you,” Dad says hesitantly, studying me closely.

My stomach explodes with nerves, but I keep my expression neutral, not wanting to show anyone, even my own father, just how scared I am about meeting a woman I’ve believed was dead my entire life.

“Yes. I just really need to shower first.” I look down at myself. I had a wash yesterday morning but I’m still gross from the fire and then the events of last night.

Screw the Band-Aids littering my body, I need a shower.

“Can you give me thirty minutes?” I ask Dad before looking at Seb.

“Yes. Jonas is away all day. Penny is waiting for me to tell her we’re on our way.”

I clench my fists to stop them from visibly trembling.

“Okay, great. Are you two…”

“We’ll be fine,” Dad assures me, holding Seb’s stare.“Give me a shout when you’re done.”

I nod and take a step away from them. My need to demand that Seb comes with me is almost too much to bear, but I think after everything that’s happened over the past few weeks, that just might push my dad over the edge.

It’s almost an hour later by the time I’m ready and walking down the short hallway toward the kitchen where I assume my dad’s waiting.

“Stella, you look beautiful,” he breathes, taking me in.

I had no idea what the hell to wear to this. I’m so out of my comfort zone it’s not even funny. Give me a gun and tell me to shoot someone and I wouldn’t bat an eyelid. But meet the woman who gave birth to me? Yeah, I’m a fucking mess.

I glance down at my simple black prom dress and run my hands over the fabric.

I’ve teamed it with a leather jacket and a pair of biker boots that Emmie would be proud of. My silver hair is hanging straight around my shoulders like a curtain, although I refuse to use it to hide behind, and my makeup is dark. I feel good. Like myself. Like the badass mafia princess that I am, I guess.

Seb’s pacing the living room on his cell when I enter, but it only takes him another few seconds to notice me, and when he does, his words falter and the look he gives me is pure sex.

“I… I’m… uh… gonna call you back, Soph, Hang on.” He jabs his finger into the screen despite the fact that Sophia is still talking on the other end. “You look insane,” he says, walking up to me and making me spin for him, Dad watching us with a frown.

When I turn to face him once more, his eyes are dark, and the fire within them makes desire burn in my belly.

“I hate to do this, but Soph and Zoe need me. Are you okay to go with your dad?”

“Of course, but if you need me then—”

“No,” he says firmly but quietly so Dad isn’t forced to overhear. “You need to go and meet your mum.”

Guilt floods me. While I’m here possibly—hopefully—starting a relationship with my mother, he’s just said goodbye to his. We haven’t even had a chance to talk about what happened yesterday.

“Are you sure? I can—”