“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I was enjoying myself. And I wanted to know what you’d do to me when you thought I wasn’t aware.”

“You’re a filthy little whore, Princess. I fucking love it.”

“Seb,” she moans when I roll my hips, showing her that I’m ready to go again. “Already?”

“With you, Hellion, always.”

She wiggles and I reluctantly pull myself from her body to let her roll from beneath me.

She turns on her side and I do the same so I can look at her.

Reaching out, she cups my jaw and stares into my eyes. I hate the sadness, the sympathy oozing from them, but I also know she’s only trying to help.

“We really should get ready,” she says quietly.

I nod once. “I know.”

Today’s the day that I’ve known has been coming for years. I thought I’d accepted that it was going to happen sooner rather than later. But now it’s here, I don’t feel at all prepared for it.

Obviously, I have no memory of when we said goodbye to my father. But I remember every second of Demi’s funeral, and knowing that we’re going to be heading to the same church for the service this morning fills me with dread.

“It’s going to be okay. Whatever you need, I’ll be right there by your side, Seb.”

I swallow, trying to force down the giant lump that’s crawled up my throat.

“Come on,” I say, pushing everything aside and rolling from the bed. “I want to dirty you up some more in the shower before we get clean.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she says, hopping from the bed and running toward the bathroom before I have a chance to grab her.

“Hellion,” I warn, marching after her, taking in every inch of her bare skin.

* * *

My movements are almost robotic as I pull my suit from the wardrobe and dress.

I keep my mind focused on Stella and this morning. It’s easier than thinking about what the rest of the day holds.

“I’m going to find Theo,” I tell Stella. My voice is cold and empty as I meet her eyes in the bathroom mirror before pressing my lips to her shoulder.

Placing her makeup brush down, she reaches back and takes my hand in a tight grip.

“I’ll be five minutes.”

“No rush,” I breathe, although we both know it’s a lie. We spent way too long in the shower together, and any extra time we might have had seemed to vanish.

With another kiss to her shoulder, I force myself to walk away from her.

“Hey,” Alex says when he’s the first one to see me coming.

The guys, including Daemon and Calli, are sitting around on the sofas, waiting for us. Their support means everything, and I hope they know that because I sure as shit don’t have the capacity to tell them right now.

“Stella will just be a few minutes.”

“Here.” Theo passes me a hip flask when I pass him.

I give it a shake, and the second I discover it’s full, I twist the top and knock back a shot.