“Can’t fucking wait. High sex is the best.”

Stella rolls her eyes at me before looking over at everyone else.

She smiles at Toby and then focuses on Calli.

“You look beautiful, Cal.”


“Right. Shall we go and get this fucking over with?” I say, already antsy as fuck to just put this day behind me.

“Whatever you want,” Theo says.

“What I want is to get wasted and forget it’s even happening, but I’m not sure I’ll get away with that.”

Everyone stares back at me.

“You’ve only gotta say the word, man. We’ve got your back. No matter what.”

My breath catches at the sincerity in everyone’s eyes, but I swallow down my fear and stand tall.

“As much as I appreciate that, I need to do this.”

“Then let's do this,” Theo announces.

Calli stands and rushes over to Stella’s side.

“Is Emmie coming?” she asks quietly.

“She said she was.”

Looking up at Theo, I find him distracted by Daemon.

“Is that a good idea?” I ask.

Stella shrugs. “Probably not, but she insisted. I think she secretly likes you and just wants to be there for you.”

“As sweet as that might be, I’d rather not be the one responsible for Theo killing her. You know he’s still suspicious of—” Stella cuts me a look that stops my words, and I glance at Calli, who’s staring at me with her brows pinched tight.

“Suspicious of what?” she asks.

“N-nothing,” I say, looking between her and Stella, begging my girl for an out of this conversation.

Calli’s lips purse in anger as she realises that we’re still keeping her in the dark.

“I’ll fill you in in the car, but you can’t say anything,” Stella concedes.

“I’m a fucking Cirillo, Stel. Family above all else, remember?”

“I know that,” Stella assures her before flicking her eyes to the guys. “They don’t. You still need to prove yourself.”

“Ugh, whatever. Fucking wankers,” she mutters, heading for the front door, making Stella snigger.

“I trust you, Princess,” I tell her, lifting her knuckles to my lips.

“Good. You should. Now let’s get this done so we can share that joint.” She winks before leading me out to the cars.

We climb into her Porsche after Calli crawls into the back and the others spread out in the other cars. With Theo’s Maserati still in the garage, he’s had to cope with not being the go-to taxi driver.

The second we’re out of the driveway, Stella reaches over for my hand, and she doesn’t let go for the rest of the day.

I couldn’t fucking love her more.