“If you don’t mind the intrusion,” Drake answered.

Of course she minded, Mairi thought unhappily, but she couldn’t really say that. The tension in the room was all because of how weak she was. It was not Drake’s fault she had been weak.

Damen loathed the fact that the tension had mostly to do with Mairi…and Morrison. He had an insane urge to hide Mairi from the other man’s gaze completely. He strove to remain calm, knowing if he allowed himself to think of the fact that this was the man who had been able to see Mairi naked – the one other man who had touched her body – Damen would lose it. Completely. When that happened, one of them would come out dead. It was that simple.

“You may say anything in front of my wife,” Damen said coolly.

Drake cocked his head to the side. “As you will. But before that...” He took out the USB in his pocket and handed it to Mairi.

Mairi was very careful not to touch any part of Drake as she took the USB.

The care with which Mairi took pained Drake. He said harshly, “I know I have a long way to go before I can make it up to you, Mairi—”

Damen gritted his teeth, loathing even the sound of Mairi’s name on the other man’s lips.

“But I hope you at least experience a measure of relief from what I have uncovered. I know that you have always been puzzled about the change…of Leventis’ attitude towards you in the past. I had my men investigate the matter, and I believe what I’ve found out will be confirmed by Leventis.”

Mairi found herself taking a seat on the cushion. She had a feeling if she didn’t, whatever Drake had to say might knock her off her feet. “What did you find out?”

“A woman who attended the same school you did—”

Instincts had Mairi guessing exactly who Drake was talking about. She said dully, “Farah.”

Damen made himself nod even as his gaze remained on his wife. She looked like she was about to drop any second. “She told me that you have always been after a Greek billionaire.”

Mairi’s teeth sank into her lower lip.

Damen wanted to smash something. He knew what Mairi was too nice to say. A random woman had come to him spouting stuff about her – the woman he supposedly loved – and like a man “in love”, he had believed the other woman over Mairi right away.

“She had overwhelming evidence to present,” Drake told Mairi. “I thought you would appreciate seeing all of it so that you would understand why Leventis may have acted the way he did.”

Clutching the flash drive tightly, she whispered, “Thank you.” She wished she could think of something else to say, but just thinking about that day Damen had thrown her out of their – his – house and having her arrested was more than enough to have her near to breaking down.

Go back to Manolis. He can have my leftovers.

I know that you’re a fucking psychotic bitch who’s always wanted to marry a Greek billionaire—


Mairi got to her feet. Without looking at anyone, she muttered, “I’ll leave you two to talk.” She had to get away. She had a feeling she would break down under the weight of her memories, and she did not want anyone to see her so pathetically weak again.

Be strong, Mairi.

Be strong for Damen.

Be strong for those who love you.


Seeing the distress on Mairi’s face, Damen was tempted to leave their unwanted guest and go after his wife. Only the knowledge that he was likely also the reason for it kept him from moving. Reluctantly tearing his gaze away from Mairi’s departing back, Damen waited for the sound of her footsteps to fade before saying curtly, “If you could accompany me to the study?”

Drake nodded.

Closing the door to his study once Drake was inside, Damen said tightly, “You’ve picked a hell of a good time to drop that kind of bomb on us.”

Drake raised a brow. “That information is meant, unfortunately, to exonerate you—”

“I don’t give a damn what it does if it’s going to upset my wife.”

She had left him after that.

Damen willed himself to breathe and keep his voice even as he asked, “What’s wrong, Mairi?” She was not going to leave him. She was not. Whatever the trouble was, he would fix it. She was not going to leave him. She was goddamn not.

Drake’s jaw clenched. What the fuck had happened now? What the hell had Damen done? He ignored the fact that Damen had been with him the whole time. Mairi was a strong woman, but she was, had been, and would always be weak where Damen was concerned. “What is it, Mairi?” His voice was harsh with concern.