Thankfully, Theo pushes the others out and closes the door behind him.

“Get dressed,” I demand, reaching down for my discarded clothes.

“Seb,” she sighs. “Just come back to bed.”

“No, Stella. That motherfucker has been in your bedroom. He’s broken in and—”

“Just like you did,” she points out, raising a brow in accusation.

“This is not the fucking same. I snuck in to see you because I couldn’t fucking stay away from you no matter how much I wanted to.”

“And stole my panties and covered my room in mortifying photos.”

I shake my head, needing a second for her words to settle.

“I’m sorry, what? What photos?”

Hesitantly, she sits up, pulling the covers with her.

“The ones you took at Nico’s party. All the stuff I couldn’t remember. You put them… you put them around my room to hurt me, to make me look like a whore.” The truth hits her long before she finishes talking. “T-that wasn’t you, was it?”

“No, Stella. It wasn’t.” My voice is cold and full of fear. “Get fucking dressed.”

She nods, this time getting out of bed and following orders.

“What are we doing?” she asks, trailing me down the hallway a few minutes later.

“Let’s go,” I say to the guys who are all sitting around in the living room.

Alex has appeared—someone probably messaged him so he didn’t miss the entertainment of me handing my balls to Stella.

“What’s going on?” Theo asks, immediately jumping up.

“Stella’s moving in. We’re going to get her stuff.”

“I’m fucking what?” she screeches as Alex laughs.

“Fuck me, you went from zero to sixty a bit fucking fast, didn’t you?” he asks, amusement filling his tone.

“He’s been in her room. She’s not going back there.”

“Seb, you can’t just drag me from my home,” she says, tugging on my hand that has hers in a vice-like grip.

“Watch me, Princess,” I shoot over my shoulder before pulling her from the flat, the others, including Calli, falling into line behind us.

“You should go home,” Nico barks at his sister.

“No fucking chance.” She steps up to Stella, standing tall beside her. “I’m done with letting you lot walk all over me. I’m a part of this too.”

“Callista—” Nico starts, but Stella soon cuts him off.

“No,” she spits, violently poking him in the chest. “Stop treating her like a little girl. She’s more capable than you give her credit for.”

The two of them have a stare-off for a moment, but eventually, Nico backs down.

“Wise move, man,” Toby says, slapping him on the shoulder before looking up at me. “Did you know she had a knife to his balls earlier?”