Silence ripples around the room before Stella squeezes my hand and leads me up the stairs. The others follow after a beat.

Theo and Alex quickly overtake and climb to the top floor before checking each of the rooms up here.

It’s probably overkill. I can’t imagine that after all this, he’d be stupid enough to be waiting for us to find him, but I appreciate that they’re taking it seriously.

Pushing open Stella’s door, I step inside first and look around.

It’s exactly the same as the last time I was here, with the curtains shut as if it’s the middle of the night.

The realisation that she’s done that because someone’s been watching her makes me feel physically sick.

“Pack everything you need. We’re not coming back here.”

“I don’t have much. The benefit of moving a lot,” she says, her voice empty.

Walking up behind her where she’s pulling her underwear from her drawer, I wrap my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.

“I’m going to keep you safe, baby.”

“I know,” she whispers, her voice full of emotion and anger.

I take a step back and let her do her thing when the others enter and join Calli, who’s standing by the door.

“All clear,” Theo says, not that I was expecting anything else.

“Galen looks pissed,” Alex mutters.

“I don’t give a fuck,” I bark. “He’s allowed that sick fuck to get in here. To get to Stella. He doesn’t deserve her.”

“Seb,” Stella’s weak voice rings through the room, “stop, please.”

I nod, although she can’t see me as she continues shoving clothes into a suitcase.

Watching her every movement, the tension in the room gets heavier as the seconds pass.

“Do you want to get the car ready to go?” I ask Theo, my eyes flicking to Alex and Nico too.Daemon is missing; I can only assume he stayed down with Galen and Calvin.

“Sure. You gonna be okay?”

“Of course. Tobes, you staying?”

“Yes,” he confirms, his face set as if he’s ready to fight for his sister should this all blow up on us.

“We’ll be out in a bit.”

They nod before disappearing from the room once more.

“This is insane,” Calli says quietly as Stella slips into the bathroom to collect up her toiletries.

“Welcome to our world.”

A scowl appears on her face before a growl rumbles up her throat and her tiny fists curl.

“It’s my world too, dickhead. You’ve just locked me away from it.”

My lips part to say something, but I don’t really have a comeback.

“Nico and Theo, they’re just trying to—”