“I’ll be fine. Thank you, Calvin.”

He sucks in a harsh breath at my cold tone, but I’m so over all of this. I’m past hurting his or my father’s feelings. It might not really be their fault. I should have told someone about the notes, the photos. But I thought it was Seb. Never in a million years did I think that someone wanted me dead. So why should Dad and Calvin suspect anything?

Dad kept me locked up in here for weeks—I guess to ensure my safety when I finally emerged—and I can only assume he truly thought everything was okay.

How fucking wrong was he?

When we emerge from the house, we find Theo’s car idling, ready to go, but Seb hasn’t so much as climbed into his. He’s standing there with his eyes focused on us as we walk down a couple of steps, still hand in hand.

He looks fierce. Deadly. But thankfully, since discovering the real connection between Toby and me, I see no jealousy there.

I guess one good thing might have come out of all of this. These two might not kill each other fighting over me. Neanderthals.

“You okay?” Seb asks the second I step up to him.

“Take me home, please.”

“Fuck, baby,” he groans, slipping his hand around the side of my neck and lowering his brow to mine. “Say it again.”

“Take me home.”

A wicked smile twitches at his lips before they press against mine for a chaste kiss. Although it might be quick, I feel it all the way down to my toes.

The second he’s in the car, he guns the engine and we fly from the driveway behind Theo. Only, he’s not quick enough for me not to see my dad standing at the living room window, staring at me as if he’s never going to see me again.

Seb notices and reaches over to grab my hand as Calli leans over the chair and squeezes my shoulder.

“Everything’s going to be okay. I fucking swear to you.”

I nod, choked up all over again. “I know,” I squeak, unable to force any more past the lump in my throat.

The journey back to Theo’s is quiet. No one says a word, and I’m grateful as it allows me to attempt to process all of this.

Seb and Theo grab my bags from the trunk, and I follow Calli up the stairs where the others have already disappeared.

She slips off toward the couch with the guys while Seb and Toby follow me down to what I assume is Seb’s room.

As I step inside, it occurs to me just how many questions I still have about him. About his life, the Family.

They place the suitcases on the end of the bed and both hesitate.

“Toby and I need to talk,” I say to Seb. “Do you min—”

“He can stay,” Toby says, cutting me off. “I’ve got a feeling that everything I’ve been keeping quiet is going to be out soon anyway. Plus, I can hardly expect you to keep it from him after everything.”

“Are you sure? If it’s personal then—”

“No more secrets, Stella. No more lies.”

I nod, already dreading what he’s going to tell me. I can tell from the look on his face that it’s going to be hella painful.

“Shall I get us a drink?” Seb offers, clearly sensing exactly what I am.

“Yeah. A strong one,” Toby says with a humorless laugh.

He falls into the chair in the corner of the room that’s covered in Seb’s clothes while I drag my suitcases off the bed once more and sit in the middle with my legs crossed, waiting to hear whatever horrifying truths he’s been hiding.

Toby is silent, his fingers drumming on the arm of the chair nervously as he waits for Seb to return.