“Fuck,” I mutter, threading my fingers into Stella’s hair. “I love you.”

Slamming my lips down on hers, I push my tongue into her mouth, teasing hers into action.

“Bro,” Alex shouts, “they’re at it again. Get your baby oil out.”

Both of us burst out laughing at his words and break apart.

“You know,” Stella says as she falls back on the sofa and places her legs across my lap, helpfully hiding my hard-on from Alex, “you’re not so bad.”

“Aw, see. We knew you’d soften to us eventually.”

“Watch it though. There’s still plenty of time for me to threaten your balls with my knife.”

Both Alex and I laugh as Theo reappears.

“Oh good, I missed the porno.”

He pulls out fresh beers from the fridge and throws them to each of us.

“So, what happens next then?” he asks, ignoring our previous conversation like it never happened.

“Time to go back to school, I guess,” Stella answers on a sigh. “I’m really looking forward to seeing Teagan again.”

“She’s missed you too, from what I’ve heard,” Alex deadpans.

“I don’t doubt it.”

The four of us settle into easy conversation about school and life as we drain the beers Theo keeps supplying us with. Stella just fits in like she’s always been with the three of us, taking the piss out of the guys and calling us all out on our bullshit.

She really is one of us. It just goes to prove how fucking wrong I was, not seeing it sooner.