Seconds later he emerges, looking his usual gorgeous self. It’s not fair that he can drink as much as he did last night and still look model-worthy this morning. Asshole.

“I don’t like it when you get regular pussy. It makes you too happy,” he complains, proving that his mood hasn’t improved from the night before.

It’s all our fault. We were ribbing him more than probably necessary about his lack of action.

Although the look on his face as we teased him about Emmie was too funny not to continue.

“Rough night?” I ask.

“More like a rough morning,” he mutters, raising a brow at me. “What the fuck are you—” he barks as Seb grabs his right hand.

“Yep,” he says, cutting off his complaints. “Alex was right. Friction burn.”

I can’t help but laugh at Theo’s reaction.

“You,” he spits at Seb, “are buying me coffee and breakfast. You fucking owe me.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault I’ve got a girl and your balls are bluer than fucking Papa Smurf’s.”

Theo growls at Seb, his hands curling into fists.

“Jesus. I’ll buy you both coffee and breakfast, just don’t break each other’s pretty faces.”

“Aw, did you hear that, bro? Your girl thinks I’m pretty.” Theo throws his arm around my shoulder and rips me away from Seb’s side. “Tell me more, beautiful,” he murmurs in my ear, ensuring it’s loud enough for Seb to hear.

Christ, these boys and their constant cock measuring contests are exhausting.

“Come on, boyfriend,” I call over my shoulder, winking at Theo when he laughs at the expression on Seb’s face.

“I’m your boyfriend?” he asks, sounding genuinely curious as the three of us leave the apartment—or coach house, as they call it.

“Don’t you want to be?”

“Y-yeah, I… just… uh… I’ve never been one before.”

“No pressure, bro,” Theo laughs. “You might wanna do some research, figure out what your job description is.”

“Make her scream, make her smile. Think I’ve got it nailed. Now, can I have my girlfriend back?” Seb steals me from Theo before we step out into the row of garages beneath the apartment.

“Hey, boyfriend,” I whisper up at him, dropping a kiss to his jaw.

“I’ve got a girlfriend,” he whispers as if he needs to convince himself that it’s true as he crowds me against Theo’s Maserati.

“No sex against, on, or in my car, kids,” Theo barks from the other side.

“You know, if I’m staying—”

“You are,” Seb interrupts.

“Then my baby deserves a spot in here.”

“You want me to move one of my cars out of here, Doukas?” Theo asks, sounding totally affronted by the mere suggestion.

“She’s had it rough recently. She deserves some special treatment.”

“I’ll think about it. Get in before I change my mind.”

Seb pecks me on the lips before pulling open the back door and climbing in behind me.