It was stupid of me to play him like that. But damn, it was so fucking worth it. And if anything, I just proved that I can leave the house without some headcase trying to kill me. Bodyguards, brutal beatings and car sex in front of Alex aside, it was a fairly normal night out.

I laugh at myself and shake my head.


What the hell do any of us know about normal?

I pee, brush my teeth and clear my face of last night’s makeup before finding one of Seb’s shirts and pulling on a clean pair of panties and slipping from the room in search of my guy.

Deep voices rumble from the living room, and when I round the corner, I find Seb, Theo and Toby sitting on the sofas, all with coffees and chilling in sweatpants. Both Seb and Theo are shirtless with their ink and abs fully on display. It’s quite a sight for first thing in the morning.

“Hey,” I say, not really feeling bad about interrupting whatever they’re talking about as I drop myself into Seb’s lap.

“Hey, baby. I was going to come and get you in a bit. Toby brought coffee and breakfast.”

“My hero,” I breathe, kissing Seb on the cheek and reaching for the takeout cup that I assume is mine on the coffee table.

“Thought you might need it,” Toby mutters, his cheeks heating with embarrassment.

“Where are the other two idiots?” I ask, attempting to change the subject. I really don’t need to sit here and have a conversation with my newly discovered brother about one of his best mates fucking me until I passed out last night.

“They went out after you… disappeared,” Theo says, finishing his breakfast wrap.

“Apparently Theo’s tub of Vaseline wasn’t good enough for Alex,” Seb announces happily before Theo balls up the paper bag in his hand and launches it at his head. “Hey. It was a fact, not a jibe.”

Rolling his eyes, Theo mutters, “He better not have stuck his fingers in my Vaseline,” making us all howl with laughter.

“So what are we doing today?” I ask once my giggles have subsided.

“We usually spend Saturday mornings training, but we were waiting for you.”

“Training? Like, in a gym?”

“Yeah, you wanna join us, Hellion?”

“Watch you three, sorry two,” I say with a wince in Toby’s direction, “get all hot and sweaty in the gym? Uh… hell yes!”

Seb grabs my jaw, turning my face toward his, his eyes narrowing at me.

“Calm down, caveman. Everyone here knows who I belong to.”

“Good. So they fucking should. Eat up and then we’ll go. Theo’s gonna need to go and get a shirt on.”

“Fuck you, bro. Ain’t my fault your girl would rather watch me flex my muscles.”

I groan at them, but equally, I can’t wipe the smile off my face. I can’t help but poke at them into bickering like old women. It’s turning into my favorite hobby.

We spend almost all day in the Cirillo gym at the end of Theo’s garden. Alex and Nico eventually appeared, looking worse for wear after their impromptu night out. Clearly, Alex didn’t drink enough to forget about what he was forced to experience the night before, because the second he walked into the building, he stepped right upto the punching bag I was taking all my aggression out on and asked me how my ride was.

Safe to say, I moved faster than he was anticipating, evidenced by the black eye that he’s now sporting, much to the amusement of the rest of the guys.

I trained with each of them, much to Seb’s irritation and concern, but it was great to have a range of sparring partners of varying skills. It turns out that my very own brother is pretty hot shit in the ring, and unlike Nico and Theo, who were scared to go full throttle on me despite my insistence that I was fine, he didn’t actually hold back. Even Seb relaxed a little from his position beside the ring, watching my every move and rocking a very obvious erection behind his sweatpants.

Knowing what I was doing to him in my sports bra and leggings only spurred me on, even if my body was still screaming at me from everything he put it through the night before.

After showering, someone took the initiative to order a fuck load of Chinese, and Nico reluctantly went and collected Calli. We all spent the night hanging out. It was nice, and no one had to have a pit stop in the bathroom with Theo’s Vaseline for company.

Well, not that I know of, anyway.