“Maybe this night isn’t going to suck after all.”

“I’ve got something you can suck,” Alex offers, already off his head on something.

“Christ. I take it back.”

She turns toward the entrance where zombies, who I assume are Damien’s security, are checking everyone off their guest list and allowing them inside.

“Evening,” Theo says to the two guys, and on closer inspection, I recognize them as my accomplices from Friday night.

“In you go,” Carl says as Cass counts us all in.

“Good to see you’re still alive,” I say as I pass. I hadn’t seen them since that night, and I must say the thought had crossed my mind that they’d already been disposed of somewhere.

“Thanks for not offing them,” I whisper-shout to Seb as we make our way into the party.

He laughs at my comment. “I’m not a total monster, Princess.”

“You sure?” He shakes his head and grabs two glasses from the tray of blood-red drinks that we’re offered by another zombie.

“I’m impressed,” I say, staring down at the floating eyeball.

“Drink up, baby. I’ve got wicked plans for you tonight.”

“When don’t you?”

As a group, we move deeper into the building.

The place is off the hook. The decorations are impressive, and there are even animatronic zombies and mummies in dark corners which scare the ever-loving shit out of most of the guests—something we all spend way too long laughing at as we drink more fake blood than I’m sure is healthy before we find the huge makeshift dancefloor.

“Now this is how you’re meant to dance, Hellion,” Seb breathes in my ear, his hands clamped on my hips, my ass grinding against his semi.“These leggings are driving me insane,” he admits.

“Wishing I chose the skirt so you could slip a hand up, huh?”

“You know me so well,” he mutters, kissing down my neck.

Each song blurs into the next as the drinks we’ve consumed begin to really take effect. The room starts to spin a little as my body heats.

Turning in Seb’s arms, I capture his lips, kissing him with everything I have and showing him just how I feel about him.

I haven’t found the words yet, or at least not the confidence to confess them to him. He’s all in with this, but there’s still just a tiny bit of doubt right at the back of my mind, the memories of what we were at the beginning still just a little too fresh to be able to fully forget.

But I will. It fades that little bit more with every touch and every whispered promise he gives me.

Needing to catch my breath, I rest my head on his shoulder and just move with him, loving the feeling of his arms around me.

He tenses, something catching his eye, and when I look over, I find Theo and Alex trying to get his attention from the doorway.

“Sorry, baby. I’ll be right back, okay? You good with Calli and Em?”

“Of course. Don’t be too long,” I say, not even caring that I sound like a love-sick fool.

He drops one more kiss on my lips before slipping from my hold.

Turning to my friends, I grab the last drink from a tray a zombie is carrying past me and knock it back in one before passing him the glass back. He nods before disappearing into the crowd.

“How freaking awesome is this party?” Calli shouts over the music. She’s wasted, her eyes wild and her dancing completely out of time to the music filling the space around us.

“Yeah, you were right. This is pretty sweet.”