His smirk falls immediately.

Forcing down any kind of feeling the sight of his skin drags up within me, I hold his eyes steady, my own impenetrable mask firmly in place, while the one I’m used to seeing on him seems to have vanished.

“Hellion, I just want—”

A bitter laugh falls from my lips.

“You think I care what you want? You’ve made my life a living hell since the first time I laid eyes on you. You’ve lied to me, stalked me, hurt me. I’m lying here because of it all.

“I’m done, Seb. So fucking done. So you can run along and continue with your little games elsewhere. Maybe go and see if Teagan is busy, because you cunts suit each other.”

He stares at me, his lips parting as if he’s going to argue, but he finally decides against it and takes a step back.

“If you’re waiting for me to crack and tell you that I’m joking, you’re going to be waiting a while.”

Believing me, he spins and storms back into my bathroom, flashing me his perfect ass as he goes.

“Jesus,” I mutter to myself as the image of his bare behind lingers in my mind.

This would all be so much easier if he were horrible to look at, or if my body didn’t seem quite so addicted to his.

I’m once again focusing on the trees outside when the door opens and his heavy footsteps fill the room.

It takes more effort than it should, but I just about manage to keep my eyes averted from him and ensure my breathing stays steady.

“I get that you’re angry, Stella. Trust me, I do. But I’m not the enemy here.”

“Pfft,” I scoff. “You’ve been the enemy since you learned my name and failed to tell me what it meant,” I say, my voice void of any kind of emotion.

“I didn’t think we’d end up here.”

My head spins before I have a chance to stop myself.

“No, you just wanted me in a morgue. Now do me a favor. Either finish the job while you can, or fuck off. I do not want you here, Sebastian.”

“You’re a pain in my ass, Stella,” he huffs, marching toward the door.

“I didn’t ask to be anything to you, asshole.”

“No, and that’s the fucking problem.”

My brow furrows as the door slams closed, the vibration of it flowing through my body, resonating in my stomach.

“Fucking entitled asshole,” I mutter to myself, pushing my hair from my face and trying to calm down.

It’s like his mere presence flips some kind of switch inside me.

I get two minutes of peace before the door opens once more and Carla’s head appears.

“You called, sweetie.”

I did?

“Umm…” I hesitate, not remembering why I pressed the button—until my stomach growls so loudly it makes Carla chuckle.

“Any chance of some lunch or dinner or… what time is it?”

“You slept through lunch, but I’ll see what I can find for you. Give me a few minutes.”