The sling he’s currently rocking can attest to that.

I call bullshit on the rumours that he used to be one of Damien’s best soldiers, because the motherfucker didn’t put up much of a fight either time I’ve gone at him in the past two weeks.

“Is she here?”


“Stella, you fucking cunt. Who do you think he’s talking about?”

Barging Toby out of the way, I stand in front of Galen, glaring unbidden hate down at him.

“She’s not here. I haven’t seen her. You’re the one who’s meant to be protecting her. Failed, Sebastian?”

My teeth grind to the point I’m sure I’m about to crack some enamel as my fists curl.

“She can’t have just vanished.”

Something about Toby’s tone makes me turn to look at him.

And fuck, am I glad I do, because his left eye tics.

A bitter laugh rips from my throat.

Motherfucking liar.