I come to a stop in a doorway, resting my suitcase and purse behind me. I look around the familiar gym, my eyes taking in all the girls before me and landing on the two at the front.

“One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four,” Ruby counts, clapping with each number, trying to keep her squad in time as they practice.

No one notices me for a few minutes, allowing me to revel in the feeling of familiarity and safety.

Whoever he is, he’s not going to get me here.

Of that I’m almost certain.

Only a second after a couple of the girls clock me, Harley turns to see what’s captured their attention

“Holy shit, Stella,” she gasps, rushing toward me.

“W-what?” Ruby stutters before turning. “Oh my God.”

“Ow, fuck,” I groan when they both engulf me.

“Shit. Sorry, sorry,” Harley says with a wince.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Ruby asks, her eyes still wide as she stares at me as if she’s imagining it.

“I… uh… I needed to get away.”

“Aren’t you meant to be in the hospital?”

“I discharged myself.”

“Stella,” they both warn simultaneously. “You should be resting, healing.”

“I did. I rested on the whole flight here.”

“Jesus,” Ruby mutters, twisting her long ponytail in concern before she turns back to her squad. “Practice is cancelled. Go have some fun.”

“N-no you don’t have to—”

“We’re taking you home. No arguments.”

Harley takes my suitcase, Ruby my purse, and I follow them through to the locker rooms so they can grab their things, familiarity washing through me at the sights and smells of the only place I ever felt like I belonged, before I’m ushered into Harley’s car.

“Mom’s away on a business trip this week. We’ll go there. You’ll get some peace.”

“Okay,” I breathe as she closes the door on me and has a discussion with Ruby before putting my stuff in the trunk.

I hate being shut out, but I appreciate that I’ve just turned up in the middle of their lives.

“I’m sorry, I know I’ve kinda dropped myself on you,” I say the second Harley falls into the driver’s seat and Ruby slides into the back.

Harley looks at me, sympathy written all over her face. Reaching out, she takes my hand in hers.

“You don’t need to apologize, Stel. You’re always welcome here. I mean, a little heads up would’ve been nice, but…”

“It was all a bit of a whirlwind. I just needed to be… here, with you.”

“Aw, you going soft on us, girl?” Ruby asks.

“Almost dying will do that to a person.”

“Oh shit, I didn’t—”