I barely taste it. I don’t even feel the burn. What I do get, though, is the warmth in my belly, a sign that the numbness I crave is almost in touching distance.

Stripping out of my clothes, I step into the shower and tip my head back, letting the water rain down on me.

Where are you, Hellion?

Who took you?

I stand there until my skin starts to wrinkle, and it’s only when my bedroom door flies open and footsteps and voices fill the space that I finally turn the shower off and grab a towel.

I find Theo and Alex lounging in my room as if it’s just another normal day. As if the girl I… As if our princess hasn’t just been swiped from under our fucking noses.

“Boss hasn’t heard anything, but he’s putting the feelers out. He’s got guys trailing the Italians, so if it’s any of them, we’ll find out.”

“And if it’s not? Then what the fuck do we do?”

They both stare at me like I’ve suddenly sprouted a second head.

“What?” I bark, walking to my bed and grabbing the discarded bottle of Jack. I twist the top off and take another swig.

“Ready to admit that she’s more than just a revenge plan yet?” Theo asks.

“Is this really the fucking time?”

He shrugs.

“You’re so fucking gone for her,” Alex mutters, irritating me almost as much as the first time he said it.

“What the fuck does it even matter?” I snap, throwing my arms out, successfully sloshing Jack all over Theo’s cream carpet. “She’s fucking gone. And I hardly doubt that guy was taking her somewhere fucking fun.”

“We’ll find her,” Theo repeats for the millionth time.

“Have faith, bro.”

“The only thing I’ve got right now is this,” I say, waving the bottle around in front of them before drinking more.

“That’s enough,” Theo barks, ripping it from my hand and standing toe to toe with me. “When we find her, she needs you fucking sober. So get a fucking grip.”

His palm slaps me across the head and I growl, closing the space between us, my chest bumping against his.

“Back the fuck off, Cirillo,” I grit out.

“Seriously?” Alex barks. “Because what the princess needs right now is you two getting into it.”

His words have their intended effect and I cool off instantly.

He’s right. Dammit.

“Thank you,” he mutters when I stand down. “Now put some fucking clothes on and wait, or hell, go out looking for her if you want. But fighting is gonna get you nowhere.”

Dragging some clean boxers on, I find some sweats and a hoodie before falling back on my bed and staring up at the ceiling.

“Someone ring Toby and find out what the fuck happened.”

“I’ve tried,” Theo confesses. “He’s not answering.”

“Probably at the hospital with Galen getting his nose fixed.”

“Fucker deserved it.”