I remember falling into her passenger seat, but the next thing I know, strong hands are clamped around my upper arms and I’m being hauled into the air.

“What the fuck?” I slur, the world spinning around me.

“Shut up, you drunken buffoon,” a familiar voice grunts as another says, “At least try to make your legs work.”

I blink, trying to come to my senses and figure out where the fuck I am.

The cool air of the night is replaced by something warmer, and then the scent of home hits me.

“Stella?” Her name tumbles from my mouth without any thought from my brain.

“She’ll come back, man. Have faith,” Theo says, sounding much more confident than I feel. Not that I can really feel anything right now. My face is numb, and I’m sure my legs aren’t actually attached to my body.

Everything flickers from darkness to colour as I’m hauled through the flat, but before long, the softness of my bed hits my back and I immediately allow myself to sink into it.

“I’m not getting him undressed,” Alex mutters. “Stupid fuck can stay like that.”

“I’ve got it,” Sophia says. “Thanks for your help.”