Ripping my lips from hers, I lick a line to her ear.

“The only person who’s going to be kissing these lips from here on out, is me, Hellion. You got that?”

She nods, it’s subtle, but I feel every bit of it.

“Good. I don’t care if it’s one of my brothers. I will end anyone who touches you, Princess.”

“Seb,” she whimpers, my promise of violence doing things to her, just like it does me. It’s the reason that we’re a match made in hell.

“Okay, now we’ve cleared that up… Shall we?” I gesture to the beach before us, and after a beat, she returns to my side and we continue walking until we come to a stop by some huge rocks that end our path.

“The water’s higher than I was hoping for. You’re probably going to get wet pants.” She looks to the end of the last rock, clueing me in to where we’re going.

With a shrug, I release her hand, drop my shoes and pop open my jeans, dragging them off my legs and throwing them over my shoulder.


“Uh…” She takes a couple of steps back into the water, but her eyes remain glued to my boxers, which do a really shit job at hiding my semi. “This could be either a really stupid idea or the best I’ve ever had.”

Her eyes sparkle with evil intent.

“You’re meant to be resting, Princess. I’m not sure those ideas would be good for your wound.”

“Huh… and here I was thinking you didn’t want me to go seeking comfort from anyone else.”

“Comfort? I thought you just wanted my cock.”

I wade into the water, following her as she spins around and walks out until the waves lap up over her knees, rounding the huge rock and disappearing around the other side.

There weren’t many people back on the beach, but it becomes immediately obvious that we’re totally secluded around here.

The small cove is surrounded by towering rocks on each side. It’s the last thing I was expecting to see after all the perfect white sand we’ve walked over.

“Wow, this is—”

“Paradise?” she finishes for me. “It’s almost like you’re the only person on the planet around here.”

“Two people.”


“The only two people,” I say, catching her hand once more and pulling her into my body for a burning kiss.

The second it ends, she slips out of my hold and walks out of the water.

“So you really think this guy is going to try again?”

“Where was the last place you saw your knife, Hellion?” I ask, lowering myself to the patch of dry sand beside her.

“You brought it back to me the day Teagan trashed my car. It was in my cheer bag.”

“Did you ever take it out?”

“Uh…” She thinks, resting back on her palms. “I might have put it on my nightstand. I don’t remember putting it into my purse.”

“So it was still in your bedroom?”

She looks over at me with a knowing smirk playing on her lips.