“Nothing has to change, Hellion. We can still be this back in London,” I assure her.

“And what if we can’t?”

“I won’t let it come to that.”

A humourless laugh falls from her lips, but I don’t bother trying to force her to explain. I already know she won’t.

Instead, I set about showing her just how badly I want to continue this truce we’ve found here when we return.

Slamming my lips down on hers, I kiss her like it’s our first and last time all rolled into one, and she returns it with just as much enthusiasm and passion—but I can’t help fearing that she’s trying to tell me something I don’t want to hear.


Something has shifted with her since we woke up. I expected it to. I knew going back wasn’t going to be easy for her. I just didn’t think it would change so quickly.

* * *

The two orgasms I gave her in the shower did little for her mood, and having to say goodbye to her friends again only dampened it even more.

By the time we take our seats on the plane, she barely resembles the fun-loving woman I’ve spent the past few days fooling around on the beach with.

“It’s going to be okay, you know?” I ask, resting my hand on her thigh as we sit back ready to take off.

“Yeah, I know,” she mutters absently, staring straight ahead at the back of the chair in front of us.

“Have you told your dad you’re coming?” I ask, hoping that something will drag her out of herself again.

“No. Have you?” she snaps.

“N-no. I try not to talk to him if I can help it.”

She blows out a long breath as the flight attendants begin their safety routine, none of which I pay any attention to. All I can think about is what’s going to happen when we touch down.

“You should try to get some sleep,” I tell her once we’re up in the air.

She’s trying to put a brave face on everything, but she’s still recovering, and she’s still in pain at times. I see it on her face if she moves too fast.

She turns to look at me, her dark, exhausted eyes narrowing on mine.

She might have had a nap before we left Harley’s, but it’s not going to be enough after a long-haul flight and the jet lag that will come from it.

“Maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself.”

Threading my fingers through hers, I lift her knuckles to my lips.

She’s still pissed about the bodyguard thing. She told me last night that it was fine, that she understood. But I made a mistake not confessing earlier. I just knew what would happen if I did. She’d have forced me to call him off.

She doesn’t think she’s in any danger.

I think the opposite. Because I know she is. I also know that the second we touch down, she’s basically a walking target.

Galen might have increased security on their house, and Damien might have put security on her, but it’s not enough, because I won’t be there. Not the whole time.

Turning back away from me, she rests her head against the chair, silently fuming as we continue to rise into the air, leaving her old life behind once more.

I’m glad I came out here. I’m glad we managed to have this time together. But something tells me that the happiness I’ve found in the last few days might just be about to come to an abrupt end.

Despite not wanting me to tell her what to do, it’s not long before Stella falls asleep beside me.