
“Looks like you’re up next,” an unfamiliar voice says from a little farther down the hallway.

I glance up. Our eyes connect for a beat, and I recognize the pained look within them. I’m sure she’s just endured the same speech I’m about to get.

I can only assume it’s her first day too. Although I have a suspicion that might be where our similarities end.

Where I’m light, she’s dark. Her almost black hair is twisted up into a messy updo, her makeup is heavy, and she’s even managed to ditch the required school shoes for a pair of biker boots.

That little bit of defiance makes a smile twitch at my lips. Maybe we have more in common than I first thought.

As she makes her way down the hall, I glance back as the woman waiting for me appears in the entrance to her office.

I met Miss Hill, Knight’s Ridge’s Student Welfare Director, a few weeks ago when Dad and I came to look around and finalize everything for my attending here.

“Thank you,” I whisper, slipping into her office. Lowering my purse to the floor, I drop into the chair in front of her desk, waiting for her to join me.

She sits, brushing a strand of hair out of her face and looking more than just a little flustered. How badly had that previous meeting gone?

“How’s your first day going?”

I blow out a breath and quickly run the events of the morning through my head.

Well, I turned up and walked straight into the boy I screwed in a graveyard a few days ago. Only, he was not pleased to see me, and the first words out of his mouth were a threat.

I was forced to sit through the ‘this is the first day of the rest of your life’ bullshit speech from Mr. Davenport, our Head of Sixth here at Knight’s Ridge College.

And I’ve had homeroom and two classes, both of which seemed to include the British versions of the cheer bitches of my past—vapid, spiteful girls who openly turned their noses up at me the second I walked into the room.

I guess my only saving grace was that I didn’t have any classes with him.

I push all that to the side and force a smile onto my lips.

“It’s been great,” I lie, twisting the hem of my blue and white tartan skirt around my finger.

“Well, you sure do have experience with first days at school.”

I laugh, because it’s either that or I push the chair out behind me and leave as fast as I entered.

I don’t need anyone relaying my past. I’m more than aware of just how many schools I’ve attended over the years. Of how many new starts I’ve had. Of how many groups of bitchy girls have made it more than clear on day one that I don’t belong, how many teachers I’ve met, classes I’ve started and never finished, how many boys I’ve fooled around with knowing I’d be gone only days later and never thought about again.

“There’s a whole load of new firsts here for me, though.” I pull at the tie around my neck and scowl.

“I’m sure you’ll be used to it in no time,” she says softly.

I like Miss Hill. I did from the first moment she introduced herself to me. Unlike some patronising teachers I’ve met over the years, she seems… normal. Down-to-earth. I also don’t get the impression that she’s Knight’s Ridge born and bred like I’m sure some of the staff are. She seems a little more… worldly, and I respect that.

“I guess that all depends on whether I get the chance or not.”

“Your father seemed pretty adamant that you’ll get to spend two years here.”

“I can only go on past experiences. I think seven months was the longest time we’ve ever spent anywhere.”

“That must be exhausting. You deserve to be able to settle here, Stella.”

“Yeah. As I said, we’ll see.”