“Are you going to call him?” I ask, excitement beginning to bubble in my belly at her finding a life outside of her prison.

“I messaged him when I found it.” She giggles like a schoolgirl.

“And?” I urge, more than happy to drown in her boy drama, rather than relive my own.

“I apologised for my brother, and told him he was a little overbearing.” I scoff at that description. “He said he understood that he’s got a little sister too. He wants to meet me.”

“Oh my God. Are you going to?”

A nervous grin appears, her eyes alight with excitement. “I said I would.”

“Eeek,” I squeal. “That’s so exciting.”

Her nervousness increases with my reaction.

“What is it?”

“I… uh… said you’d come. His friend wants to see you again, too.”

“Calli,” I sigh, dread already settling in my belly. “I can’t. Can you imagine if—”

“They won’t find out. We’ll meet them somewhere on the other side of town.”

Her eyes plead with me to say yes, to stand beside her as she sheds the chains that have held her back for so long.

And I guess she’s got a point. If we make up a good enough lie, they should buy it… right?

They might be protective, but they can’t follow her every single minute of the day. No one is here watching us right now at least.

A shudder runs through me at the thought of one of them being close after what happened this morning.

“Are you okay? All the color just drained from your face.”

“Y-yeah. I’m just hungry, I guess.” I look over my shoulder, hoping our breakfast might magically appear to change the subject, but there’s no waitress heading our way.

“So what do you say? Want to meet them with me?”

“When?” I tentatively ask.

“Next weekend.”

I breathe a sigh of relief that she hasn’t planned something for this afternoon. I hold her eyes for a beat, but the anticipation of doing something so normal as meeting a boy for the first time cracks my black little heart and I find myself agreeing, although somewhat reluctantly.

“Yesss,” she hisses. “Ant says Enzo was really into you. He’ll be stoked.”

I force a grin on my face, although I don’t feel it.

Spending time with the two guys Nico threatened to get away from us is a bad move. A really fucking bad move, but it’s too late now. Plus, Calli needs this. Really needs this.

Thankfully, our breakfasts finally arrive and I get to experience for the first time just how good a full English breakfast is for a hangover.

“Oh my God, that was so good,” I moan, sitting back in my chair and rubbing my hand over my swollen belly.

“Told you so,” Calli says with a wink. “Are you feeling better now? Because I’ve got plans.”


“Come on, you’ll see.”