
“That place is like heaven on Earth,” I sigh as we make our way out of the building. “And your hair looks amazing.”

“My mum is gonna kill me,” she laughs, not giving two shits about it by the sound of it.

Gone are Calli’s long, golden locks in favor of a shoulder-length, chocolate bob. It looks amazing, and the colour totally suits her.

“Meh, it’s your hair.”

“Exactly.” She beams at me, confidence shining in her hazel eyes.

I try to fight a yawn as the bright afternoon sun hits me.

“Let’s get you home. You look like you could sleep for a week.”

“I feel it.”

“You remember anything about last night yet?”

“Nope. Nothing. Either they’re gonna have to tell me or it’s forever going to be a dark hole of nothingness.”

“It can’t have been that bad,” Calli says, trying to reassure me.

“You heard me explain what happened this morning, right?”

“Yeah, I’m still horrified. Toby?” she asks, concern pulling at her brows.

Shoving my hand into my purse, I rummage around until I find my cell and pull it out.

My heart sinks when I find nothing from him.

“Nope. I’ll message him when I get home.”

“Try calling him. Toby isn’t like the others, he’d probably appreciate it.”

Embarrassment floods me as I even consider what I’m meant to say to him after what he witnessed this morning.

“I’ll see.”

Calli takes off around the other side of the car and I open the door, ready to get inside. But right before I take my foot off the ground to climb in, I’m pulled backwards and slammed up against the side of her car.

I reach out, ready to react, to attempt to fight off whoever it is, but his hand collars my throat and familiarity washes through me.

“Seb, what are you—holy fuck,” I gasp when I focus on his face, finding blood splattered over his skin.

He’s tried to wash it off, that much is obvious, but he’s done a really shitty job.

“What the hell have you done?” I breathe, my heart in my throat as my eyes scan over his face.

A smirk curls at his lips, and it only serves to make him look even more dangerous.

“You were a beautiful little whore this morning, Hellion.” Lifting his other hand, he runs his fingertip over my lips. “I can still remember how this wicked mouth felt wrapped around my cock.”

I suck in a breath, hating that his dirty words affect me.

“Seb, get your hands off her,” Calli calls from the car. “Your big bad scary act isn’t working.”