“So seriously, how was your first day?” he asks once we’re both seated.

“It was fine. Classes were great, teachers were good. It’s a fantastic school.” Shame about the other students. “What about you? How’s work?” I ask, hoping, like always, that he’ll open up and actually tell me something useful.

“Yeah. Good,” he says, his expression hardening, telling me that’s all I’m going to get.

“What about the other kids? Any potential friends?”

I smile at him. For someone who’s clearly done very well for himself, he really is freaking clueless when it comes to me and school.

“Yeah, fingers crossed. This place will be like home in no time.”

“I mean it, Stella. We’re staying here. This is it for us.”


He sighs, clearly sensing that I don’t believe a word of it.

It’s fine. I get it… I think.