
Getting inside Stella’s house was a hell of a lot smoother this time, thanks to the fact that I got a copy of her key cut after she passed out at Nico’s on Friday night. It was easy, too fucking easy, to ensure I’ve always got a way to get to her.

The entire house was in silence as I made my way upstairs. I had no idea if their staff lived in, or if they were in the outbuildings that came with this property, but I was silent as I moved just in case.

I was hopeful that I’d find her asleep and be able to take her by surprise. Hell, there was a part of me that didn’t even want her to know I’d visited at all. I had images in my head of me slipping inside, taking what I needed from her, and disappearing again, leaving behind only a small piece of evidence from my little visit.

But what I got, in reality, was way, way more than I ever could have expected.

She was fast asleep, her eyes closed, her face peaceful with her lips parted, but her body was out of the sheets and her skin covered in a sheen of sweat. She’d pulled her tank down, exposing her breasts as she pulled at her own nipple and palmed her breast. Her other hand had vanished beneath her knickers as she writhed in pleasure, chasing her release even in her slumber.

The sight was so fucking beautiful. And without a second thought, I pulled my phone out and flipped the camera to video to capture her fall.

And only two seconds later, it got even better.

“Seb,” she moaned, and I nearly came in my damn pants on the spot.

“That’s it, my dirty little whore. Show me how you make yourself come when you’re thinking about me,” I murmur, my eyes locked on her writhing body, my cock aching to be inside her, to feel how tightly her cunt is squeezing her fingers right now.

Taking advantage when she was sleeping was a dick move, I knew that, but also, I really didn’t give a fuck.

She clearly thought she was with me, so why not make her fantasy a reality?

“Oh my God, you’re a fucking psychopath,” she screams, waking up with me on top of her, trying again to buck her hips to push me off.

“I’ve been called worse, Hellion. Now, where were we?Oh yeah, you were knuckles deep in your dripping pussy as you called out my name.”

Her jaw tightens, her teeth grinding as she stares up at me.

“I was asleep, asshole, and I was clearly having a nightmare.”

“Oh, it sounded and looked terrifying.” Trailing a finger down her chest toward her still bare tits, I whisper, “Your skin is still flushed from the fear.”

“I hate you.”

I smile. “I know, isn’t it fun?”

The growl that rips from her throat does all sorts of weird shit to my insides, not to mention making my cock weep with need.

She glares up at me, her chest heaving, her nipples begging for some attention.

“W-what are you doing?” she hisses when I push my free hand under her pillow and root around. If I know her like I think I do, then I won’t find it empty.

I smile the second my fingers connect with something.

“Seb,” she warns, knowing exactly what she hid under there.

“And you claim not to be scared. Is that why you sleep with a gun under your pillow, Hellion?”

“I’m not scared, I just want you to leave me the fuck alone,” she barks. Her words might be dripping in venom, but we both know they’re far from the truth.

“Oh yeah, you wanna tell your body that?”

Her teeth grind once more as I brush the barrel of her gun down the soft skin of her cheek.

Her entire body flinches as the cool metal makes contact and her eyes narrow.